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These days, when babies are born, they do it a lot.


These days, when babies are born, they do it a lot.

image text translation

(1)1 The maximum cash gift amount for underage children is 40 million won. If you donate 2,000 as soon as you have a baby, and if you donate 2,000 again 10 years later, it can be a gift tax guide.
(2)moneyystorycom child-cash-medium-child gift limit to what extent
(3)Child cash gift limit for underage children – \Dad’s investment diary
(4)By knowledge
(5)The reason why 20 million won in baby gifts are popular these days.
(6)These days, when a baby is born, it is said that they give a lot of baby gifts. 20 million won at a time. Why? Literally, the stock I bought while donating 20 million won is 500 million 10 million won 10 years later.
(7)Is the money spent on English kindergartens a waste?
(8)Did you give your baby bankbook?
(9)Most of the ways are to receive various allowances into the baby’s bank account, but my wife is currently on leave of absence and we are taking care of the babies by giving money to our mother-in-law. I’m actually running out of money, but I think I’ll have to give it to him.

These days, when babies are born, they do it a lot.

image text translation

(1)There are cases where grandparents give 2,000 gifts to their grandchildren as soon as they are born.
(2)There are cases where parents give gifts.
(3)If you’re super rich, I’ll pay you 20 million. You’ll pay me more. It’s not like that. It’s just that there’s a lot more decent houses like this.
(4)Minors don’t have a gift tax up to 2,000, so they give 2,000 as soon as they are born.
(5)I’ll give you another 2,000 in 10 years.


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