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Why not use animal bones or crustaceans as armor?


Why not use animal bones or crustaceans as armor?

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(1)Genre novels Information column Using animal bones or crustaceans as armor
(2)a reason not to use
(3)Baronets of Styx
(4)Recommendation 250 Not recommended 1 comment 80 views 7470
(5)Date of creation 2023-03-09 015044
(6)Modified date 2023-03-09 021608
(7)Someone asked me this question.
(8)Why doesn’t FANTASY make armor out of bones?
(9)In fantasy, there are a lot of super-sized animals, so I’m going to make bones harder than metal.
(10)I think there are a lot of animals that have a lot.
(11)That’s a very reasonable idea.
(12)Large means that a lot of load is applied, and of course it has a hard bone.
(13)And I’m writing this to answer this question that you must have a lot of such bones to support that big body.
(14)Let’s find out about bones first.
(15)Bones are one of the most robust materials available in nature for weight.
(16)Bones, which are composed of various substances such as calcium, minerals, and protein water, complement each other like reinforced concrete with flexible but shock-resistant minerals such as collagen.
(17)have a formidable durability as a result in
(18)the structure of a bone
(19)It’s got an incredibly complicated structure. So, I don’t think it’s too heavy.
(20)I’m going to take some.
(21)What’s important about white blood cells?
(22)Learn more about the structure that takes up the majority.
(23)If there is, I’ll take this medicine.
(24)Besides, bones have extremely efficient structures.The dense, hard dense bone with a fibrous structure on the outside supports the bone firmly, and the sponge bone with holes like bubble concrete or sponge inside absorbs the septum and reduces weight.
(25)Animal bones have these extremely efficient structures, so trees and rocks of the same weight, of course, are more durable than iron.When running on a human basis, five times the weight of the body is applied, and the bones endure these shocks every day, and there is no matter what.
(26)In particular, the leg bones, the most rigid structure in the human body, can withstand 25 tons of impact coming vertically.
(27)Nature, of course. a material that is more solid than modern materials
(28)But why didn’t we use this ghastly material as an armor?
(29)In conclusion, I wrote it, but it was eliminated.site
(30)This armor was worn in Omsk, Russia in the mid-20th century B.C.
(31)It is a replica of the remains of the excavated bronze armored belt.
(32)In the days when there was no iron, it was light, elastic, and strong.
(33)It must have been a good material for making clothes.
(34)But wouldn’t it have been useful in the era of iron?
(35)As mentioned above, iron is more durable than weight.
(36)It must have been a good defense for the alarmist.
(37)The answer is no.
(38)It wasn’t worth making, if not very useless.go
(39)What should I do first?
(40)Of course, we have to kill animals to get it.
(41)20 bones of a person’s body weight. Other animals are the same as humans.
(42)Let’s assume that we caught the sound of 0kg and fixed 7kg.
(43)If it’s possible, I’ll get 4kg.
(44)But everyone who’s eaten it knows, but it can be used as an ingredient.
(45)be strong enough to be a part of
(46)So, it will be limited to the bones of the legs.
(47)The leg bones that I got like this…
(48)You have to sharpen it.
(49)Of course, even during the cutting process,
(50)A lot of bone fragments are used, so the amount will be only a fraction.
(51)Even if it cuts through all the complex structures above, durability is very…
(52)will be reduced.
(53)The best thing about bones is that they turn into powder and roll around the floor.
(54)Like this, I finished my body armor.
(55)be still strong one way or othera light shed
(56)I’m sure I’ll protect you from a steel sword or two axes that someone swirled around.
(57)The problem is next.
(58)Bones are obviously lightweight and solid materials.
(59)However, it absorbs rotting water well into the ash and damages it in humid conditions.
(60)I’m not good at acid and I’m not good at heat.
(61)If you have a crack or a burn,
(62)a medicine for ailments
(63)In other words, it wears well due to its low hardness, and in other words, it is easy to say that someone wielded it.
(64)Even a scratch on the knife will cut off the life span, so durability and certainty…
(65)It means it’s going to decrease.
(66)It’s not so good to have it repaired so quickly.
(67)It’s iron because I can’t melt it. As I said around me, it’s a disaster.
(68)Ryog is also common.
(69)On the other hand, what about iron?
(70)Iron, let alone heat, is oil.
(71)If you give it to me, it’s as light as Gabby. If you give it to me, it’s as light as steel, and I’ll use it as a stainless steel cotton container.
(72)Like this, a hundred years of uncontrolled chatter is exposed to the inner river mountain system.
(73)It’s Jun or Z, but it doesn’t rust easily.
(74)Plated with anorexic strong material or normal iron oxide
(75)If it is oxidized, it is likely to coat the surface black.
(76)Strengthen corrosion resistance with still acid coating
(77)High hardness and strength are indigenous to Korea. The vocabulary is
(78)If you get a big impact, it breaks, and unlike bones, iron absorbs and prevents rupture because it is rehabilitated.
(79)But it’s shocking.
(80)If the marge is damaged, if it is melted into a membrane, it will produce a mass production of Nisurina.
(81)be more soluble in acid
(82)Among Cheoechul Borum, eggs with excellent durability and strong corrosion resistance compared to large quantities
(83)The failure to replace lu-iron is the reason why aluminum is strong.
(84)I was weak, and I couldn’t shoot the shell because it was too low.
(86)It’s a wonderful coincidence that the reason is dead.To Rock
(87)But the advantage of being light and solid is that it doesn’t have iron.
(88)If it’s for special use, I think I can use it.
(90)Because the special armor, which is lightweight and can be made in a single way, is not only a bone, but also a solid one.

Why not use animal bones or crustaceans as armor?

image text translation

(1)Leather hardens when heated.
(2)So leather products are supposed to avoid heat, but if you think about it the other way around,
(3)It means you can make hard leather.
(4)To match the name Boyled Leather Armour, in medieval Europe, leather was hardened by boiling paraffin in water to make light, hard armor.
(5)In the East, lacquer was applied to harden leather.
(6)It’s not an easy and cheap way to make it, but it’s more heat resistant and corrosion resistant than bone armor, and it’s easier to get ingredients.
(7)Let’s do this. Let’s hear it.
(8)In ancient Greece, the linen cloth was solidified and the pack was made.
(9)I made clothes.
(10)However, the linen armor was heavy, rotten, and the defense was not cool, so it was culled by the above-mentioned Boyled Leather Armor and iron armor.
(11)Even the advantage of being light and hard, which is the exclusive property of bones, can be replaced with other materials.
(12)Plus, if you want light armor, you can just use Gambison and helmet.
(13)There were many ways without using bones, such as using thin iron.
(14)But there are many big animals in fantasy.
(15)I think these animals have stronger bones than modern animals.
(16)Of course there can be such an animal.
(17)This small animal, the military, is a mollusk like a clam or snail.
(18)It is a snail-like animal belonging to the family, and some species are rich in iron.
(19)I have a very strong straw.
(20)Their teeth are one of the strongest structures in nature.
(21)Or maybe we can increase bone density.
(22)But this has its limitations. First of all, iron is hard to digest and absorb.
(23)It’s hard to use a sieve.
(24)Right now, people can get anemia and die from just a few milligrams of iron.
(25)I think so.
(26)What about increasing bone density?
(27)We are sorry.
(28)It’s teeth.
(29)Teeth It is a very dense bone that is the hardest structure in the human body
(30)But teeth are a distant structure.with
(31)It’s pretty easy to break, and it’s a deep-temperature crack that can change the cadence.
(32)It can be long.
(33)Because it’s hard but lacks elasticity, it can’t absorb shock.
(34)be due to
(35)And if all the bones are dense, it’s very heavy, like that body.
(36)be in for a person’s assWool
(37)So you can’t increase the density blindly.
(38)So large animals don’t increase the strength of the jawbone.
(39)It is an efficient structure that will withstand the gravity.
(40)For example, Corey’s Balzel-elastic material.
(41)Come on, it absorbs the shock.
(42)This structure can withstand weight and is continental.
(43)without difficulty crossing
(44)And there’s a hole in the leg bone, so the load and impact…
(45)spread out
(46)Thanks to this bone structure, the heavy body with a nasal horn and 2 tons is on the side.
(47)be able to move forward even if one losesPull it up.
(48)Lee Whale has fat-filled bones that are buoyant.
(49)It’s a shocker.
(50)It has an efficiency skeleton, so it’s a whale-like whaling ship.
(51)I’m gonna let them sink in, and the whales fight against each other.
(52)Of course, the ram bones of these enormous bodies of water are the ones that support the phagocyte.
(53)Different opinions on animal bones.
(54)But there’s still a fundamental difference between bones.
(55)You’ll get to kill all these noble mammals.
(56)If I were to be scared, arthropods…
(57)The outer skin of arthropods surrounded by an armored skeleton is excellent natural.
(58)It’s armor.
(59)It is easy to process the people who made it with flat armor, which is wide and has a fresh structure, but it will be good because of its long history.
(61)Outer armor. Fatigue. Danjok.
(62)Why is that?
(63)First of all, arthropods are as big as crabs.
(64)Right now, the largest arthropod living on land, the palm tongs, are only 17.
(66)A legendary warrior is a great man who comes down as a legend to make armor.
(67)Even if you catch a palm tong, you can only make a helmet if you use a palm tong on one island of Chu.
(68)”Ryeo” (meaning ‘really’).
(69)La Morsal
(70)So what about the ocean? There’s no giant arthropods waiting in the vast ocean.
(71)Ryukka. (Pun in Korean)
(72)The legend is waiting in the deep sea of Japan.
(73)I’m only 19kg.
(74)Even if I catch this one, I can barely make a pitch.
(75)Why do arthropods walk this way?
(76)The animals that look as heavy as the tanks.
(77)The reason is that their respiratory system is inefficient.
(78)The respiratory system has an open sequential structure, which is biological.
(79)Boo-joon’s explanation is raw, so it’s a strategy.
(80)I’m a cat lover. Just leave it alone.
(81)Anyway, because they have an ineffective, primitive respiratory system, they can’t absorb it.
(82)an obstetrics and gynecology department
(83)It’s a small thing.
(84)If Earth’s oxygen is as rich as an extremely high level of bulletproof as a child,
(85)Like the giant arthropods, they could have survived.
(86)hard-to-toothed arthropods
(87)There will be no correlation between the circulation system even if the environment of the Ren Theater is not damaged.
(88)Even if it’s too dark,
(89)Even the lower worm has a shredded circulation system.
(90)And the problem is that these giant arthropods will be able to beat giant chordates.
(91)in countless ways
(92)This is because the exoskeleton itself is difficult to grow in size compared to the endoskeleton.If the outer skeleton is small, it’s bigger than the volume.
(93)a report on the amount of fat in cotton root sugar
(94)It’s disgusting if it gets bigger, but it’s becoming ineffective.
(95)For more information, refer to the point of arthropods for exoskeletons.
(96)Evolution of Insects in the Baehwa-rogon ~8 Facebook
(97)detached from the external bone
(98)For this reason, giant arthropods are unlikely to exist in the world, and they may have to do so in order to be realistically armed, and they may not be able to make species extinct at all for military armament.rent
(99)It’s a warrior party even if you hit it with a snow compromise.
(100)a military hunt
(101)Adopting evil spirits 19 years old Many extinctions
(102)You’re gonna have to hear eternal resentment from your descendants after the expedition.
(103)The problem is that neither chitin nor bone is such a hard substance, even if you can’t see a solid arthropod later on and say that you have armed a dragon party.Anyway, these hands…
(104)be weaker than a boneIt is no better than a bone that finally made a precious life.
(105)It’s a polysaccharide, but it’s hard like Danose.
(106)The reward is only as stated above.
(107)There is a good reason for everything that has not been concluded.Three of us just laughed at the lame stuff.I’m the king of metal, and it won’t change.
(108)And as we laugh at it, our ancestors don’t have any useless objects that they don’


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