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The talent and effort of the first-class instructor.


The talent and effort of the first-class instructor.

image text translation

(1)Focus as much as possible for the next year! The goal for 2013 is…
(2)Let’s finish it in two tries!
(3)Let’s definitely go!
(4)Let’s throw away the label.
(5)Is it a talent to study?
(6)To concentrate and study.
(7)Don’t get immersed in emotions because you’re comfortable!
(8)Today’s post, speech by Hyun Woo Jin.
(9)Let’s focus as much as possible!
(10)a three-year goal
(11)Is it an effort?
(12)No emotional immersion because it’s comfortable!
(13)Focus as much as you can, Bo!
(14)a 13-year goal
(15)Let’s finish it in two tries!
(16)Talent vs. b.
(17)Of course, it’s a talent.
(18)Don’t immerse yourself in emotions just because you’re comfortable!
(19)Goal of 13 years…
(20)Let’s throw away the perabelle.
(21)I think about this, too.
(22)Today’s speech by Hyun Woo Jin
(23)My goal for the 13th year is…
(24)I don’t want to focus on studying. Why can’t they study?
(25)I’m just lacking in talent.
(26)No emotional immersion because it changes!
(27)There’s a problem with the genetics of talent,
(28)My 3-year goal is…
(29)Let’s finish it in two tries!
(30)Let’s definitely go!
(31)Let’s throw away the dallabelle.
(32)Anyway, he wasn’t born just to study.
(33)The biggest concentration in years!
(34)Let’s go! Make sure to go!
(35)Let’s throw away Hellabelle.
(36)I think about this.
(37)No emotional immersion because it’s comfortable!
(38)the greatest amount of peace
(39)Let’s end it!!
(40)Let’s throw it away.
(41)Even trying is a talent.
(42)I’m so immersed in studying.
(43)Don’t hide your emotions!
(44)Focused the most in years! Korean.
(45)Let’s go! Poem!
(46)Talent. If everything is talent, let’s throw away the label. I’m immersed in it.
(47)something to study
(48)No emotions that it’s comfortable!Mouth
(49)Let’s end it!!
(50)Let’s definitely go!
(51)It’s not Bella.
(52)If you’re talented, you don’t have to try. You’re so immersed in it.
(53)Ji!! Emotional immersion that it’s comfortable.
(54)One focus!
(55)Let’s go!
(56)The label is…
(57)Then you can’t make it big.
(58)Let’s finish it in two tries!Let’s get rid of Gazabelle.
(59)a gifted department
(60)I don’t think I have enough talent.
(61)years old
(62)Let’s go to the end of the 13-year goal twice.
(64)at all costs.
(65)Unfortunately, students over 90 lack talent.
(66)Don’t get immersed in emotions because you’re comfortable!
(67)the best in years ago
(68)Table 13 and Item
(69)Let’s finish it in two tries!Let’s go! Let’s throw away the label.
(70)What should I do then?
(71)to be indebted
(72)My goal for 3 years is to do it twice.
(73)Let’s finish it! Let’s go!
(74)Let’s throw away Milabelle.
(75)Of course, you have to work hard.
(76)the act of studying something by entering the army
(77)Don’t get immersed in emotions!
(78)Focus as much as you can!
(79)Let’s finish it in two tries!Let’s go! Let’s throw away the Herabelle. I’ll be immersed and refuse to commit suicide.
(80)Then you have to change your habits.
(81)Let’s make sure to finish the 13 year goal with two tries.
(82)Let’s pay!
(83)Even developing a basic habit is an effort and you have to be immersed in it.
(84)Emotional immersion.
(85)Let’s finish the 3-year goal in two tries!The guard’s label is…
(87)I’ll have to get the basic base is firm.
(88)No emotional immersion to study while being immersed!!All of themselves
(89)Convenient load
(90)Let’s finish on three years’ target!at all costs.
(92)Let’s go! Let’s throw away the label. It’s comfortable to study.
(93)Those who talk about high talents are in the top five.
(95)as many years as possible
(96)·Let’s finish it in two tries!Let’s go eat! Let’s throw away the perabelle.
(97)Most of them don’t have talent.
(98)the summer solstice
(99)Let’s finish the goal in two tries. Let’s go!at all costs.
(102)Of course, your efforts should be supported.To concentrate and study.
(103)The emotional mall that says it’sensitivity mall.
(104)Today’s speech by Hyun Woo Jin.
(105)Let’s finish the 13 year goal in two tries!Let’s definitely go! No emotional immersion that label is comfortable to refuse because you are immersed in it!!
(106)Think of your talent as a fixed one.


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