He’s a teacher, but he’s like a student these days.

He's a teacher, but he's like a student these days.

image text translation

(1)Blah blah yesterday
(2)government employee iliilli
(3)He’s a teacher, but he’s like a kid these days.
(4)There are a lot of things that I wouldn’t have imagined in the past, but if I write a few things,
(5)I don’t know if this is a university or not because of the fact that even if I go out of school for 10 minutes during break time and snack at a convenience store, the school punishment is a slap on the wrist.
(6)The problem is that I’m always late for class because I couldn’t go in 10 minutes.
(7)If I check the attendance book, some people say it doesn’t matter, and some people say why I checked, so I have to fight. If I ignore it and check, I turn around and curse, “I can’t hear you.” I didn’t say anything. Or you have to argue that you didn’t do it to the teacher.
(8)2 Ordering to the delivery food class during lunch time –;; Order jajangmyeon in the class and bury it in the trash behind the class. If you look for who did it at the end of the class, you know who it is, but there is no physical evidence, so there is no answer.
(9)”Why shouldn’t you say you shouldn’t order food when you found it once?” and argue without logic.
(10)3 Even if children who go out and eat hamburgers or rice soup during lunch time are caught, school punishment is cotton-blind punishment, so there is no damage to receiving volunteer work in school.
(11)If he/she raises the punishment or suggests doing something at a faculty meeting, there is nothing legally possible to do, and he/she just keeps posting it to the leading committee and has no choice but to take accumulated measures.
(12)But the real thing is that even if you take action in the first grade, it will be reset when the grade changes, so even if you are punished once or twice in the first grade, it will be reset in the second grade, so the disciplinary level will start from the beginning.
(13)Even if you try to raise the disciplinary action more than twice, it will be blurred if you suddenly enter summer vacation or change the teacher in charge.
(14)6 Blind date app that blocks acquaintances and companies.
(15)Time order, J. Go to the last comment.
(16)The school has lost its function.
(17)I like yesterday, 75.
(18)NH Nonghyup Bank Iijit!! ilj
(19)It’s high school.
(20)Good 4 ● Daggle
(21)government employee iliilli
(22)OOO High School
(23)Doctor Jeonpo Cafe
(24)The problematic teacher’s management responsibility.
(25)Good, 21.
(26)new company illili
(27)Except for the first one, I think that’s possible. If the school meal is really bad,
(28)There’s no store at school these days. Every time I turn around, I’m hungry.
(29)Good 19 ● Bigger.
(30)New company DhDg18
(31)It’s gonna be a sequel. Cheer up with CCTV.
(32)6 ● I’m bold. ★ Good.
(33)an illilli civil servant
(34)My wish is to install CCTVs in classrooms.
(35)Good. 5.
(36)Agricultural Cooperative Federation’s economic holding company, iliillbiti
(37)The level of kids these days. x
(38)a traditional Korean oil
(39)Good, 11.
(40)View 7 more previous posts
(41)Samil Accounting Act, itinijjiin
(42)I mean, killing bugs is just like killing people.
(43)There is.
(44)Good. 1.
(45)Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education, Tomi Ling
(46)The kids are similar, but I think their parents are different from when we were young.
(47)I’ll call the teacher and talk to her on the phone.
(48)If you do it, you’ll die in my house. But yoga westernism
(49)Oh, yeah. Like, “Do you know the shrimp?”
(51)If there’s a problem outside, it’s because of the teacher who couldn’t stop it.
(52)If I order, I don’t order. I ruined the swollen face.
(53)an unworthy teacher’s fault
(54)The kid’s parents didn’t take care of him if he was sick.
(55)Even in a restaurant, it’s like half-payment of foreign currency. There’s medicine inside.
(56)It’s a school video, but it’s inevitable for safety. Why did you go to school? The lawless Choi, the way not to go to school.
(57)If you ask why not…
(58)Sohan’s rule. It can be frustrating.
(59)Good. 9.
(60)Asiana Airlines jjjjii
(61)Is it a general or specialized high school?
(62)● Comments
(63)a first-class lecturer in the Yaksa-dong neighborhood
(64)Since I was a student, why didn’t I say Gung 2 and 3?
(65)3 ● Oh, they like it in the comments.
(66)View 9 more previous posts
(67)Seoul Metropolitan Government ljdi4235 Office of Education
(68)In fact, RO-friends who are hungry and not hungry,
(69)Eat something secretly with me.


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