How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

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(1)YTN Gangreung Plain
(2)a dry warning
(3)Japanese flag at the pastor’s office on the March 1st Independence Movement Day
(4)1705 Social COVID-19 new patients 18,90 critically ill for 18 consecutive days 100 members- Yuan 18935001

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

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(1)YTN Construction Warning Gangwon Yangyang Plain Long-term Pastor Interview
(2)the purpose of friendly Korea-Japan relations
(3)Three Taegeukgi in the other office…peace and reconciliation
(4)1706 A large forest fire in Hapcheon nationwide, 228 soccer fields in Jubuljinhwa, 139492 316 affected oil roads in 20 hours.

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

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How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

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(1)Interview with the Japanese Rev.
(2)Dry warning, Geochang, Gyeongsangnam-do
(3)I’m a high-gee player.
(4)Pastor Lee Jung-woo’s March 1st Japanese flag hoisted.
(5)I actually thought about the situation where the Japanese flag goes well together.
(6)I thought it was a symbol of reconciliation and peace…
(7)1706 The late Seong-il, who died in the national life saving ceremony, was strictly observed at the funeral of a firefighter. 241909 1282

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

image text translation

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

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How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

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How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

image text translation

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

image text translation

How the Japanese Rev. Janggi in Sejong City has been doing.

image text translation

How did our country become Lee Ji-kyung?

Let’s be careful with the comments! He’s going to sue me.shivering

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