Korea-Japan War of Military Strength

Korea-Japan War of Military Strength

Korea-Japan War of Military Strength
image text translation

(1)The ranking of real military power.
(2)He really likes to compare it with Japan.
(3)a war of military might
(4)F-15 Typical Airborne Fighter
(5)We brought in an F-15…
(6)It’s in the late 1990s.
(7)I was in the next generation fighter business.
(8)Japan brought this in the 1970s.
(9)Korea-Japan War of Military Strength
(10)Of course, Japan’s Ground Self-Defense Force is not up to scratch.
(11)Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force Maritime Self-Defense Force
(12)Let me tell you one thing.
(13)When I saw a trap over 5,000 tons,
(14)We came back and forth from twenty feet.That’s what I do.
(15)Japan with more than 50 ships
(16)Zombieism is still…
(17)Yeah, the number of ships and things like that.
(18)There may be more than us.

Korea-Japan War of Military Strength

image text translation

(1)Korea-Japan War of Military Strength
(2)I’m sure you’re good at this!
(3)a war of military might
(4)It’s a huge misunderstanding.
(5)Throughout the Cold War, Japan was an American ally.
(6)The role I played was…
(7)in Far East Asia
(8)Soviet Submarine Tracking Officer
(9)I played the role of Britain in Far East Asia.
(10)And I gained a lot of know-how.
(11)They’re a lot earlier than we are.
(12)I operated an Aegis ship.
(13)Airborne Early Warning Control Aircraft
(14)a flying radar and command post
(15)I operated the airborne early warning controls first.
(16)I have a lot of know-how.
(17)In the case of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force,
(18)It’s self-easy.
(19)And now, at the diesel submarine,
(20)Japan has the most advanced technology.
(21)PD Korea is ahead of Japan.
(22)I’m definitely ahead of track and field. In terms of weapons.
(23)a self-propelled howitzers
(24)Our training level is much better.
(25)First of all, the Ground Self-Defense Force…
(26)There’s no need to zoom in. In Japan,
(27)By the way, air or sea.
(28)When it comes to battleships and fighter jets,
(29)If it’s one on one,
(30)I’m tired!

Korea-Japan War of Military Strength

image text translation

(1)in the development of military power
(2)the only thing that is necessary
(3)in technical terms
(4)We followed him a lot.
(5)The land weapons section is…
(6)the only thing necessary for military development
(7)You can say we’re the world’s top tier.
(9)There’s still a long way to go.
(10)This is very important.
(11)But the problem is…
(12)The treatment of engineering and science.
(13)In comparison with the same level of developed countries,
(14)I’m very vulnerable.
(15)We need to figure this out first.
(16)to be honest
(17)They don’t improve my treatment.
(18)What kind of patriotism?

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