How to be loved by a husband who came up in the female elementary school community.

How to be loved by a husband who came up in the female elementary school community.

How to be loved by a husband who came up in the female elementary school community.
image text translation

(1)Why? I really like Wongeul.
(2)If you live next to him, he’d like to be friends.
(3)I’m going to talk about something else.
(4)Even if you didn’t catch your husband’s in-laws at the level of Lotto, your financial ability is great.
(5)Even if it’s not hard,
(6)As a woman who had a husband who was into and devoted to his wife just like in the beginning of a relationship,
(7)I’d like to leave a comment.
(8)My husband is out. When I think it’s time to come back,
(9)Spread the ironing board on the table and take out the collected dry laundry.
(10)Let’s start ironing.
(11)It’s a work where sweat pours like rain. Just your husband’s very angular suit.
(12)After sending dry cleaning, I washed all the small ones at home.
(13)There’s always a lot.
(14)My husband sweats a lot like that and always does something ^^ concentrating
(15)I see my wife working hard.
(16)When I came back home, I fell asleep on my bed or on the floor.
(17)or there is ;;
(18)He’s wearing a sagging suit and wearing a smartphone on the sofa.
(19)What you can see is… Wow!
(20)It’s about curiosity, excitement, and respect for humans.
(21)It’s like a shortcut to continuous destruction.
(22)But in real life, a lot of women are spread out like this.
(23)That’s what it is!
(24)Whether it’s the House of Representatives or the kids who go out and come back,
(25)It’s hard to see my mom hanging out like this at home.
(26)It’s worse than he seems.
(27)I went to a friend’s house where my husband was a bank executive.
(28)There’s not a single grain of dust on the floor of the vast house.
(29)There’s not a single blot in the bathroom.
(30)When you were a student, you had a 22-inch-waist or a slim kid’s forearm, like a shot putter.
(31)I can see how much you’ve swept and cleaned the house.
(32)Once you’re a housewife, whether you’re a full-time mom or a working mom,
(33)I had to do my job as a housewife.
(34)I think the value goes up.
(35)Our kids have a prettier house than any other hotel.
(36)They say it’s good.
(37)If you want to keep your family feeling that way, you’re going to have to go to hell.
(38)at short intervals
(39)I have to spend each day.
(40)- A husband is clean, beautiful, and pleasant.
(41)It’s a more cozy house than the best pension pool villa.
(42)You won’t want to go home as soon as possible.
(43)It costs a lot of money for a beautiful and pleasant living environment.
(45)If you are interested and aspired as a housewife, you study online.
(46)I learned it from my sharp eyes.
(47)It’s an area where you can buy and decorate small things and create enough.
(48)When I bring my husband a cup of tea, I always take it on the tray.
(49)I give you everything.
(50)My mom treated me like this. I received it as I saw it when I was young.
(51)I’m just doing what I want to do it.
(52)Throw a glass full of water and a plastic.
(53)I’m sure the recipient will feel very different.
(54)And food is really, really important.
(55)Why do you think it’s “Geo-an-je-mi?”案齊眉고사가
(56)The act of eating is also a small act that repeats every day.
(57)The basic manners of a relationship include consideration and love for the other person.
(58)I guess so.
(59)The same side dish that I took out in the refrigerator was also a sealed container.
(60)The man’s pride goes up after receiving the table that he puts on the table.
(61)It’s not easy.
(62)That Simo put the plastic container on the table that is decades old for decades.
(63)That’s my style.
(64)Her husband, my husband, has been unemployed and unemployed for 40 years.
(65)And I’m insensitive.
(66)Does the fall of a man make him less social or have a man?
(67)He’s so squalid and incompetent.
(68)It’s a matter of chicken or eggs that a woman has included.
(69)When my husband goes out, I always follow him to the elevator and see him off.
(70)It’s the same when kids go to school or go out.
(71)He’s not a high-ranking official, but he’s also a high-paying actor.
(72)I’m not sleeping.
(73)I don’t think it’s a basic human child, apart from the relationship.
(74)It’s because of that’s why.
(75)My husband is going out.
(76)My wife has a room! Just one word and the back of my head.
(77)I’m wearing it.
(78)Will I be able to be considerate if I get married like this? very grateful to her.
(79)It’s so lovely.
(80)Will it be acceptable?
(81)And for her husband, she’s a genius.
(82)We need to keep the kids in good standing.Dude.
(83)He is the eldest son of a man in Myeongriology.
(84)He’s the one who hits me, but I’m honored.
(85)It’s also “I treat you high.
(86)Even men who don’t care about their children and live on their own terms,
(87)If you’re a normal father, you’re a child who’s good and shines wherever you go.
(88)My shoulders naturally stretch out and I’m proud of myself.
(89)Another piece of woggy that’s different from what my mom used to eat.
(90)I can’t raise him properly. He’s begging me.
(91)No matter how beautiful my wife is, the Budog family will never be a painter.
(92)I can’t do that.
(93)And men, whether they’re high or low in social status, can’t be ridiculous.
(94)They’re very poetic and simple animals, so they’re very angular.
(95)He’s sensitive to his wife’s appearance.
(96)If you look at Momo, who’s over 170cm and 44cm tall, she doesn’t have to be a graceful star.
(97)My legs are short and my waist is in the mortar.
(98)I feel like I’m a mom.
(99)The skin tone is dark and the color of the face is fair, and the skin on the crown of the brand is clear, and even if it’s an iron, it shines on the face.
(100)Clothing name
(101)the other half
(102)No wonder the whole tile that looks so pretty even if it’s not a model.
(103)You know, fat girls…
(104)I’m sure you’re loved by your husband.
(105)Let’s whine that Wongle doesn’t care about the least intelligent language, and if you say that you used to use it often, you’re always squeezing and making it up.
(107)I can only talk about it.
(108)I’m a typist. I’m a big fan of life.
(109)Of course, I do. Hahaha ^^
(110)I’m never in your sight, and I’m not the quick, English, but I’m not moving, and I’m not going to be able to do that.
(111)My husband always works hard.
(112)Since I treat my husband like a human being,
(113)The same as during the term of office, the main person who is looking for something to eat during the new night because he suddenly stands up and does something.
(114)I’ll drive you out of your mouth.
(116)He’s been tamed as such a husband.
(117)I studied it while looking at my sisters-in-law.
(118)I’m getting fat. I’m a mess.
(119)Let’s pretend that I’m a bad person because I don’t take care of myself in a feminine way.
(120)You’re the one who’s whining and nailing.
(122)I learn a lot from Wongeul and from phrena’s writings above.

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