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19+ classical data: A story about working as a nude model.jpg


19+ classical data: A story about working as a nude model.jpg

image text translation

(1)When I was young when I was 20.
(2)One summer day, I sneaked out my dad’s car, which I went on a business trip with my girlfriend.
(3)It’s been a while since we went to Everland and had fun. We didn’t have any accidents.
(4)He was parking in front of my house, and he crashed into a telephone pole behind me.
(5)I went out because I thought I was screwed, and the bumper scratches and the headlights were broken in the back;
(6)I went to the car center right away and asked for an estimate, so I asked for 450,000 won in money at that time.
(7)I went to an amusement park with my girlfriend who had 100,000 won.
(8)I don’t have 450,000 won when I’m broke.
(9)Fortunately, my dad was on a business trip, but I didn’t want to tell my mom.
(10)I’ve tried calling around, but there’s no money lender lol.
(11)If it was an opportunity to look back on my life at the age of 20,
(12)I was so annoyed that I searched Naver’s intellectual how to make a lot of money in a short period of time.
(13)They’re talking about a part-time job cleaning a corpse and a nude model.
(14)I chose a part-time job cleaning a corpse! LOL
(15)I tried calling all the hospitals nearby, and they told me they didn’t use it.
(16)Don’t believe those guys who worked part-time on the Internet.
(17)Anyway, I was thinking about what to do with Ashiva.
(18)Thinking of a nude model part-time job with a feeling of grasping at straws.
(19)I saw on the internet that the pay was pretty strong.
(20)I heard that male models cost 1 million won.
(21)But there’s no way to reach it. There’s no time.
(22)I thought about it carefully and remembered that one of the older brothers I knew had a sharp brother like that.
(23)When I drink, I always talk dirty, but I don’t like things like that, so I’m always a pervert! I told you to stop.
(24)But one day, I suddenly remembered something about nude models.
(25)He said he had a nude model in his friend’s house. I thought he was just a dog at the time.
(26)Because of this situation, I’ll call you right away, saying that it’s worth losing.
(27)Ring ring.
(29)Oh, my. Oh, my brother…
(30)Why did you call me?
(31)You talked about nude models before. I know how to do that.
(32)That blood lol What is it? You’re crazy. (Laughs)
(33)I need a lot of money right now.lol
(34)Did he cause an accident? lol What did you do? Do you have to do this?
(35)There’s no other way. I’m going to lend you money.
(36)Wait a minute. I’ll find you.
(37)After a long time, ring ring.
(38)I saved him.
(39)Oh really? Really?
(40)He has two brothers, one university is like an apartment women’s club, but Femi is similar.
(41)What should I do?
(42)Well, I think it’s the latter. There must be a lot of girls in college, so can you do it often?
(43)My father and daughter clubs are all women.
(44)You can just think of him as your mom lol. We’re of the same age in college, so can you do that?
(45)I see. Okay. Thank you. But now that I think about it, it became the worst choice.
(46)Call him here. 1234-5678.
(47)Thank you. I’ll shoot you when it’s settled. lol
(48)I called the number right after I hung up, and a woman answered.
(49)He said he was the director, and his voice looked young.
(50)So I heard about this and that, and that apartment is a pretty well-off neighborhood in that area.
(51)This place is like an art club for a middle-aged lady, but she needs a nude model.
(52)The pay is 600,000 won per hour, and it ends in less than an hour.
(53)There’s no need to be nervous because there’s one more male model, not me, and two of them take turns.
(54)I’m saying it’ll be comfortable. Oh, that’s nice. LOL and make a long appointment tomorrow.
(55)What I liked more than anything else was that there was one more person besides me, so I got courageous because I had a sense of homogeneity.
(56)The next day, I went to the meeting place, and there was Avante and Missy.
(57)She was a woman who looked about 30 years old, but she looked so businesslike.
(58)Sometimes, when you go to the reception desk, there are girls who look like that.
(59)She looks arrogant and… If you think of her as a celebrity, she’s like Yeom Jeong-ah.
(60)As soon as I saw it, he told me to go in right away.
(61)Anyway, I thought it could happen, so I rode it in. As expected, the apartment was so shiny.
(62)On the way, I asked her to relax. She’s younger than I thought. lol
(63)When I drew the nude, the director went in, too. I’m embarrassed and I’m joking lol
(64)I guess the director was cute too. He smiled.
(65)Of course, I have to go in and give lectures and make a pose for you.
(66)It’s my first time working, so I’m a bit nervous.^^ What the hell!
(67)He’s about to panic a little when he says it’s his first time, too.
(68)I arrived like that, but the atmosphere was a mess, like a sales office on the first floor.
(69)They rented it, but everything in the neighborhood was there.
(70)There are elementary school kids, and I thought there were about six old ladies out there.
(71)There were even three women who looked like ladies, and a total of about 15 people.
(72)Most of all, having elementary school kids was a serious problem. They were running around excitedly.
(73)I thought this wasn’t right, so I came out and complained to her.
(74)No, I think this is a bit different from what I said. Strangely, a lot of people came today. ^^; Like this.
(75)So I said, “Oh, but I guess one person besides me hasn’t come yet.” Yes, it’s not coming. It’s weird.
(76)I was so mean. I was like, “What’s this?” And I was like, “I’m sorry at first.”
(77)I’ll give you another 50%.^^ I was fidgeting while I was doing it, and I kept on being annoying, so suddenly! He looked so serious.
(78)”What didn’t I tell you?” “If you don’t want to do it, you can go now.” “Scary, migallcom.”
(79)I’m so annoyed that I came all the way here. How can I go back? Please take care of the kids for me. I’m so embarrassed.
(80)So I said yes, but I think he’s a little upset, and I think he was fighting.
(81)But the fact that he and the person are real
(82)If I get 9 bullets, I’ll ask for a discount at the center and solve it at 40.
(83)I thought I should couple with my girlfriend at 50 and suddenly got excited.
(84)If I didn’t, I would’ve just gotten 60 lol I suddenly feel better.
(85)Anyway, I solved it like that and went into the other room and took off all my clothes and put on a towel.
(86)Suddenly, I couldn’t think of revealing it in front of people I’ve never seen before.
(87)On top of that, I just had a fight with Won Jang-nyeon, and taking it off in front of him is the first thing.
(88)It came out for a long time and went in.I was looking at my phone that didn’t get a single text message.
(89)I was about to cry while looking at my girlfriend’s face on my desktop.
(90)Anyway, if I made up my mind and went out, I would be standing on stage in a circle.
(91)Everyone was staring at me and I was going crazy lol
(92)Everyone’s like that because he’s hesitating.^^ Take a deep breath and get ready.^^; While doing that, Dalam.
(93)He pretends to be a veteran every year for the first time. I thought it was hard to take it off.
(94)I came all the way here, but I couldn’t run away, so I said let’s open it first, and I lowered the towel at the count of three.
(95)The atmosphere was more serious than I thought lol inside.
(96)This is what consideration is. As expected, I’m glad I came here. Ajummas have a concept.
(97)If I were in college, I would’ve played Zola Champion, but I was standing in a concentrated position.
(98)The hands were in a position to gather up in the lower abdomen.
(99)Easy posture. If you hold out for an hour, it’s 900,000 won. It’s 900,000 won, and you’re begging for mind control.
(100)I kept looking at the lady sitting in the middle.
(101)Oh, that person is my aunt. Of course, it’s weird to reveal it often in front of my aunt, but it’s still Gormon.
(102)When I kept staring at it for a few minutes, I wanted to see people’s curiosity even though their eyes were different by themselves.
(103)I miss other people well.I wanted to find out where the old boy was.
(104)He went around and taught me how to draw people and talked about this and that.
(105)But she wore a dress shirt and a skirt underneath, but it was a bit corny.
(106)I don’t think there’s anything cheap inside, but it’s pretty. I turned my eyes right after the Xiangnyeon lol.
(107)I shouldn’t have a little bit of a duck lol I’m looking away for a long time, but a small number of middle-aged women
(108)Most of them are Missy or even Missy-looking women, so I’m almost in danger.
(109)And then on the left, the funny thing is that she’s not a young woman, she’s a crazy woman, she’s been painting nude, she’s wearing a tight-fitting short-sleeved shirt.
(110)She wore the hot pants that said “pink” on it. No, punk!
(111)I could feel the weight on the bottom. Oh, no. I can’t do this. Let’s hold it in.
(112)I just put up with the sadness of my grandmother’s death.
(113)You know, if it was that, it wouldn’t have been completely seduced. It would have gotten bigger and smaller.
(114)I can tell that everyone was almost in danger.
(115)But I thought I kept my last pride and kept posing.
(116)After about 30 minutes, they said we should change the pose.
(117)The funny thing is, he took a big crucifix or something like that.
(118)He told me to stand there with my hands like this like Jesus.
(119)But there was a pedestal on the hand of the cross, so it looked comfortable.
(120)I thought it would be more comfortable because I was leaning comfortably on the cross lol.
(121)But I didn’t know that was the beginning of all these nightmares.
(122)I was standing with my hands on the cross. I wanted to be comfortable, so I put my butt forward.
(123)I stood in a totally hyung-like position with my back on it. lol It was a trick.
(124)Suddenly, the director said,
(125)He asked me if I could move forward. So I said, “Like this.”
(126)I just said it and didn’t move. (Laughs)
(127)Then he walked to me and touched my body and said, “Hips, four legs, like this.”
(128)He was touching my body while doing it lol Mao Shibal.
(129)And the hair designer’s hair was long, so my hair touched my hair.
(130)It was really intentional.
(131)Wow, since then, I’ve been so tempted. What was in danger for a while has exploded.
(132)You should have said that you really did the development period.
(133)He’s been babbling since then. It was really disgraceful.
(134)Even if I try to calm it down, it’s already jacked, so there’s nothing I can do about it.
(135)a situation in which self-control is impossible
(136)I know. The old lady who was sitting in the middle of the old lady…
(137)If you’re tired, take a break for a while, bachelor. You should go to the bathroom.
(138)Even the girls who laughed next to me and looked like the girls were so happy.
(139)My face got so red that I couldn’t say anything and told him to go.
(140)It’s like you’re certifying that you came here as a daughter lol I didn’t even know what she did.
(141)You’re going to take a break after seeing my erection. It’s disgusting.
(142)I said, “I’m done.” But I don’t see any signs of abating.
(143)I barely let it go, singing the national anthem inside Zola.
(144)But since then, I’ve already become a prey to the young ladies.
(145)This is my pure opinion, but I can’t get rid of the thought that I was being lured.
(146)The cross was exactly the same as the year of the short-sleeved shirt and hot pants.
(147)All I could do was sigh. I was crucified with the feeling that I only had to endure for 30 minutes.
(148)But since then, all these girls are doing things that they didn’t do before.
(149)He used a pencil to measure my age and said, “Don’t you draw?” And he winked at me.
(150)I’m not going to do my lips with “block up.” This was something I didn’t do before. You punks might be mistaken.
(151)The softened jaru is starting to get heavy again.
(152)”Please don’t block it!” He was on the cross and pulled out his butt.
(153)I understood how Jung Joon-ha felt when he came out on Infinite Challenge in the past.
(154)I know you’re in a state of self-defense. It’s my last pride.
(155)That’s when that hotpants girl made a wedge, and then a year suddenly turns on one of the chairs and sits down.
(156)You know, the way moms sit when they eat.
(157)I’m sitting in that position, and I’m trying to see all the buttocks.
(158)And I saw a little underwear and my mom’s heart collapsed, so I started being tempted.
(159)I’m in a situation where my mind can’t beat my instincts.
(160)I get really mad, but I try to maintain my pride until the end and try to calm it down.
(161)Inside, I keep thinking that I’m comfortable if I give up. lol It’s a situation where I start.
(162)What’s funny is that I had to stay like this for 30 minutes, so I was going crazy.
(163)Then, the year of Wonjang made a wedge.
(164)He whispered to me, “If you’re tired, let’s take a break”.
(165)Should I rest or rest? Why does she whisper that? It also makes breathing sounds.
(166)She fought with me earlier, so I kept thinking about why she was doing this intentionally.
(167)As soon as I heard her whisper, I heard her breathing and her unique smell.
(168)If you let go of the smell, you could have just made an excuse that you touched me earlier.
(169)It’s a disgrace that you can’t escape from.
(170)At that time, I just felt like I had lost my mind, but I couldn’t do anything about it anymore.
(171)He was like a brother on the cross, so he only had a tight kick.
(172)I started buzzing again. Oh my! I begged for this kind of noise.
(173)The mother-of-pearl stopped drawing anything and kept looking at her every year. She didn’t say anything if she felt sorry for it.
(174)Even if it’s a bit late in the middle,
(175)If you just stood like that, you’d be dead.
(176)And the funny thing is, you’re so out of your mind that you’re getting a kick out of it, and it makes me feel weird.
(177)I was like, “Oh, my god. I wish Won-nyeon would do that to release me.” lol
(178)Oh, I hope that hotpants gets excited and follows me and says let’s do sexy later. lol
(179)I had these kinds of thoughts. (Laughs) I set up a situation by myself.
(180)But I got my act together and looked at her. Half resentment, half entreaties.
(181)If you have any thoughts, let’s take a break. Don’t just say let’s take a break. Just say let’s take a break for the whole thing.
(182)It was embarrassing to be embarrassed, but Kotsu was so sick that it was hard to endure.
(183)It was like I was looking at my mom desperately with the eyes of a lost child’s
(184)She smiled and nodded and made gestures as if not to be nervous.
(185)Now that I think about it, I think it’s the latter.
(186)Since then, I gave up and lost my posture.
(187)It was even better when I opened my legs and relaxed.
(188)I think my bottom is slowly shrinking again lol I just put everything down for free.
(189)But Director Lee came back and whispered, “Please put your legs together”.
(190)Put your thighs together with your hands and put your hands in my waist to fix your posture.
(191)It was like the final adrenaline juggling brush.
(192)You don’t have a clue for a year or you don’t know a man at all.
(193)Or whenever you fought with me earlier, you did this intentionally, but just thinking about it, it was close to the latter.
(194)In that situation, he whispered in his ear and used his hands.
(195)Especially when I touched my waist, I groaned a little bit.
(196)If I was embarrassed because I got sick regardless of my intentions, now my heart is pounding. migallcom
(197)It was so explosive that I wondered if I’ve ever been this seduced in my life.
(198)I don’t think there are many people who have experienced it, but if you’re really into someone,
(199)There will be times when Jusui stands up like this and goes to his navel.
(200)When you’re attracted to it, it’s 90 degrees. If it’s at a right angle, then it’s 180 degrees.
(201)The situation was… I was standing at 90 degrees, and it got loosened for a bit, so it got smaller in half-curled.
(202)She whispered to me, asking me to gather them up and touched my thighs and waist.
(203)Ah, while groaning! I got attached to my stomach as I was full-breathing. I understand what you mean.
(204)In a second lol
(205)And then the director was so surprised that he was like, “Oh my!”
(206)It was my first time making a noise today. I’ve been leading by saving face because I’ve been a teacher.
(207)When that disaster happened right in front of him, he lost his mind.
(208)I went there around that time, and besides being embarrassed, Kotsu was so sick that I was going crazy.
(209)If it hurts so much, I just want this time to go by quickly.
(210)From then on, I’ll stand in a straight line, putting my legs together, if I just wanted time to pass.
(211)I kept my arm in an FM position with my arms spread out to the side, I showed you everything, so there’s nothing more to be ashamed of! with one’s heart
(212)But the funny thing is that even now, I’m drawn to 180 degrees.
(213)Whenever I was out of breath, the frequency went down a little and stuck to my stomach.
(214)Like a seesaw lol It’s not loud, but it’s really perfect!It’s like I’m alive.
(215)It was so embarrassing because it seemed like everyone was begging me to take this out.
(216)But fortunately, the agitation calmed down quickly and everyone was busy painting.
(217)The little girl who kept staring at me earlier gave up drawing when she stood at 180 degrees.
(218)I think I just keep watching it.
(219)I didn’t care much, but if the erection didn’t go away, I would keep it 180 degrees.
(220)You have to pull it out to solve it. That’s how it works.
(221)It goes by quickly for 10 minutes, my mind calms down, and my erection is slowly getting better.
(222)You’re reminded of games and your girlfriend. You’re going to play national soccer later. What do you think?
(223)Thinking about it made me feel more relaxed and sleepy. I was completely relaxed.
(224)That’s what I’m doing.
(225)I think I can hear the buzzing sound again.
(226)What’s this? Is it time? I finally came to my senses while starting.
(227)Everyone looked at me and thought, “Oh my! Oh my! What do I do?”
(228)I looked down after saying, “What’s going on?”
(229)You know, if it’s released after the first erection, it’ll give you a little bit of Cooper’s fluid.
(230)I don’t know if it’s because I was 100% full-blown for almost an hour.
(231)Cooper’s coming out more than usual, and I don’t think I’ve ever come out that much in my life.
(232)It’s almost as if it’s cheap, but Cooper’s and semen are different.
(233)Cooper’s liquid is transparent, semen is white, and I’m sure all the girls there know.
(234)I just think that it doesn’t make sense to cheap without touching it.
(235)There’s a lot of cooper liquid on his fur and it’s dripping on the floor.
(236)I was so embarrassed that I was going to kill myself. I was about it.
(237)But I have to wear both hands on the cross, so I can’t do anything about it.
(238)I don’t know if my mental capacity to support my mind has collapsed.
(239)His face turned a little red, so he was just pretending not to know lol
(240)It was like, “I don’t know that punk! You punk!”
(241)Then, he came back with tissue and wiped it for me because he couldn’t do it anymore.
(242)No matter what you do, you don’t get attracted to it. It’s more embarrassing than being attracted to it’s about shame.
(243)Anyway, time went by again.
(244)And eventually, after an hour, the director went out to the front and said, “Are you done drawing?” and organized it.
(245)I was going to run away with a towel right after it was over.
(246)I was so depressed that I didn’t even want to dress.
(247)I just put my hands down and stayed still for a long time.
(248)The director will smile and OO, wear a towel and go get dressed.^^; They asked me to leave my account number.
(249)I thought I wouldn’t get paid properly after the disaster, but later I found out that they gave me 900,000 won unexpectedly lol.
(250)He came out of the car, put on his hat, looked out the window, and didn’t say a word while riding next to the director’s car.
(251)The director wants me to help you.
(252)It’s like that at first. When I went to art school, I saw a lot of people like that when I drew nude pictures.
(253)People like that take medicine, but I didn’t prepare medicine because it’s my first time doing nude. It’s my fault.
(254)I did it.
(255)There’s a medicine like that. So I said yes. I wanted to hit him on the head at that time lol.
(256)I just go and get out of the car in front of my house and say goodbye.
(257)Fix the car with the money.
(258)And I saved the rest of the money after coupling with 300,000 won.
(259)And that night, I got a call from him. Ring ring.
(260)It’s him lol
(261)Oh, why?
(262)Did he do a good job today? My Saki is so funny that I heard everything. LOL I listen to something. at a glance
(263)He said, “Issaci, the calm saki is going up,” and the guy who was trying to make me pervert is annoying.
(264)What am I talking about? Hang up.
(265)He’s been rumored to be big for you.
(266)I’m hanging up. The director is my friend’s sister. He’s a bit upset.
(267)I want to do it’s ddu ddu ddu ddu ddu ddu!
(268)Did you do it on purpose, director? Like a visual effect, suddenly I beg you. Creepy Theigallcom.

19+ classical data: A story about working as a nude model.jpg

image text translation

(1)Koh family-like atmosphere 2023-02-26 1621710
(2)It’s not the data I got, it’s the creation! It’s a long time ago.
(3)Thank you for your energy.
(4)Dark Future 2023-02-2604338470
(5)Best 2
(6)I need a blue line. I need a blue line!


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