Who’s up for the March 1 Independence Movement Day?

Who's up for the March 1 Independence Movement Day?

image text translation

(1)White March 1st Japanese chess game. Who?
(2)I’m a person who bets on Japanese chess. I
(3)I heard you’re Japanese.
(4)What happened to that?
(5)White March 1st Independence Movement Day, who is it?
(6)My mother’s side is originally from Japan. Is it your mother’s side? Yes.
(7)March 1st Independence Movement Day Who’s Up?
(8)My father is Korean.
(9)Who’s up for the March 1 Independence Movement Day?
(10)It was like, “Why is it the Japanese flag on March 1st?”
(11)Who’s going to raise the Japanese flag?
(12)I’m saying don’t be tied to the past.
(13)Can I send this now?
(14)I want to talk about the history of Korea and Japan.
(15)Let’s put down our perception of the past.
(16)Who’s going to play this game?
(17)I hope we can move forward in the future.
(18)In that sense, I’m playing the Japanese flag.
(19)Who’s going to play the Korean traditional game?
(20)It will disparage or belittle Korea.
(21)I didn’t have zero intentions to do that.
(22)The Sejong Focus
(23)Is it right to hang the Japanese flag on the March 1 Independence Movement Day?
(24)Sejong Focus
(25)a resident who hoisted the Japanese flag
(26)What did we do on the March 1 Independence Movement Day?
(27)The Sejong Focus
(28)Tell me the reason why you played the Japanese flag.
(29)Who’s up for the 3rd and 3rd White Day?
(30)Sejong Focus
(31)Is he a character? Respectful attention is a fact.
(32)Kansun is a character zone.
(33)White, 3 days, 1 day, 1 day, 1 day, 1 day.
(34)Is it true about Yoo Gwan-soon?
(35)a resident who bets the Japanese flags
(36)I heard that the person in the picture was actually a thief.
(37)Then, they believe that.
(38)But those who claim it like that… That’s what they’re saying.
(39)Because I have that data.
(40)White March 1st Japanese chess game. Who?
(41)It’s true that it was modernized during Japanese colonial rule.
(42)Japan led the modernization.
(43)That’s how they see it.Tooth
(44)Because that’s the truth.
(45)Who’s going to raise the Japanese flag for the March 1 Independence Movement Day?
(46)I can’t understand why they suddenly saw the Japanese flag and became patriotic martyrs.
(47)Who are you going to kill?


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