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Have you ever heard of a yellow worm?


Have you ever heard of a yellow worm?

image text translation

(1)Have you ever heard of a yellow worm?
(2)It’s a phenomenon where a huge swarm of locusts covers the world.
(3)The Bible shows Egypt as one of the ten catastrophes.
(4)This yellow bug phenomenon has been occurring in both East and West.
(5)This disaster is not simply caused by the abundance of locusts.
(6)If the density of insects becomes extremely high, it can cause hormonal changes.
(7)It changes shape and makes your appetite extremely high.
(8)It devours everything around it.
(9)make a mess of everything one goes on
(10)Their purpose is simply to satisfy their unfulfilled appetite.
(11)It’s greed without direction.
(12)This kind of Hwangchung phenomenon is also.
(13)It is none other than China
(14)These are simple.
(15)Spend only short-sighted profits like a herd of hungry locusts.
(16)The direction of the future vision,
(17)The rules of decency, formality, and politeness.
(18)It’s been a long time since I’ve buried it in the old evening.
(19)Eat what you see in front of you.
(20)Everything that’s profitable in front of you is a mess.
(21)Their greed has no direction.
(22)have no decency or formality
(23)The laws and rules of other countries are only obstacles to them.
(24)Cultural Industries of Other Countries
(25)It’s just a prey in front of a hungry yellow worm.
(26)Eat it up and put poop on the mugwort field.
(27)This is the path that the yellow beetles have passed.
(28)Do you know Erishikton of Greek and Roman mythology?
(29)He was angered by the goddess Demeter.
(30)I was cursed with an insatiable appetite.
(31)At the end of the day, he said,
(32)He’s starting to bite his own body.
(33)I dare to predict.
(34)China’s greed will one day eat itself like an erisikton.


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