image text translation
(1)First, you get water and boil it. In the galley airplane kitchen, there’s hot water.
(2)Since it’s a people who express hot things as cool, boil it more.
(3)It’s like an electric boat.
(4)If you put the hot pot in the right place, it’ll boil.
(5)Everyone, for business, I’m going to make a thin noodle soup cup noodle.
(6)The first class will cook ramen in a bag. LOL_LOL
(7)After eating it all, making economy cup noodles is the best.
(8)Sodium in the soup world.
(9)Garnish with dried pollack and chili peppers is packed and loaded for one person to taste good.
(10)I’ll make some soup with the heart of pulling out beef bone broth.
(11)When you’re done, put the ramen in a warm bowl.
(12)I’ve been a flight attendant for 10 years and I still can’t cook ramen well.
(13)It’s not complete yet. I can’t cook ramen at home.
(14)I’ll finally put it in nicely, customer.
(15)It’s like a pervert. If you drink all the soup, you’ll feel the joy.
(16)I hope you eat rice too.
(17)Kimchi Military Team
If you eat all the ramen soup, you feel joy.
The craftsmanship that you wish to eat rice.