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Toothpaste ruins your brain.


Toothpaste ruins your brain.

image text translation

(1)Fluorine absorbs additional aluminum into the body.
(2)The aluminum goes to your brain.
(3)The brain of an Alzheimer’s victim is surprisingly strong.
(4)What metal can be found?
(5)That’s what you think.
(6)Fluoride Causes More Cancer
(7)More than any other chemicals,
(8)It happens so quickly.
(9)U.S. Congressional Records
(10)July 21, 1976
(11)DrDean Burk는
(12)submitted to the Dutch Parliament
(13)On the proposal for fluoridation of tap water
(14)on Dutch television
(15)We’re going to turn fluoridation into mass murder.
(16)American Institute of Biochemistry and Medicine
(17)Kaiser Wilhelm Laboratory,
(18)at the National Cancer Institute
(19)35 years as chief chemist
(20)FlUORIDE SIDE EFFECTS Fluoride Side Effects
(21)brain damage to an inborn fetus
(22)Fluoride poisoning
(23)low levels of female hormone male hormone
(24)a joint problem
(25)skeletal fluorosis
(26)● Ostecartritis Accelerates Osteophorosis Osteoarthritis
(27)a decline in the IQ
(28)loss of memory
(29)a decrease in motivation
(30)insensitivity and passive
(31)inhibition of melanin production
(32)damage to the immune system
(33)a pineal attack
(34)kidney stone kidney failure
(35)Interferes with White Blood Cell Production Interferes with white blood cell production
(36)brain cell killing
(37)making a fool of oneself
(38)accelerating aging
(39)Thyroid attack
(40)hypothalamic attack
(41)a shorter life span
(42)Promotion of mental disorders
(43)gum weakness
(44)cardiac circulation effects
(45)making it manageable and submissive
(46)DNA damage
(47)Alzheimer’s disease

Water Fluorine and Neurotoxic Sage


10 facts about fluoridation in general.


Foreign arguments against fluoridation of tap water show that fluoride increases cancer rates and, above all, affects brain function.

Green tea, black tea, boy tea. Even if you drink a lot, it’s not good for your fluoride intake.

It’s good for your teeth these days. I’m just sleeping without gargling. I have to rinse it.

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