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The Legendary Lion Documentary Ab


The Legendary Lion Documentary

The Legendary Lion Documentary Ab

image text translation

(1)Here’s a lioness walking on the meadow.
(2)She lives in small groups with her wife, Matita, and three children in the Botswana grasslands of Africa.
(3)One day, two male lions and several female lions began to descend from the north.
(4)At least the intruders won’t be friendly to the lion’s family.Because they are also being chased down by humans.
(5)Then the lionesses and the lionesses and Matita and the lionesses and the lionesses and the lionesses.
(6)There’s a fight to protect the territory.
(7)Martita saved his life, but suffered considerable injuries.
(8)I began to search for my husband who was suffering from Marty’s injury.
(9)Desperate to find her husband and his babies while crying.
(10)Before long, Matita stops and stares into one place.
(11)I found my husband, the lioness, whom I met just a few days ago, but he is.
(12)He’s not running to Matica. No, he’s not.
(13)He also suffered a severe injury and is now taking a last-ditch break.
(14)The lioness may not be Mavoitita, even if he looks to greet her.
(15)Dalíro will disappear towards the broken Martíta.
(16)Eventually, the lioness dropped her head and returned to nature.
(17)Matica’s husband Choi can’t help but watch his back, but Matica is there.
(18)It’s too early to despair. It’s her job to drive her to three martytes.
(19)I’m going to feed my babies now.
(20)Martita hastily takes the cubs and begins to hurry their steps.
(21)The invaders began to chase to see the end of the battle.
(22)The lioness is already dead, but the cubs are running away, but these are Tita,
(23)I have no intention of sending you off nicely.
(24)One of the intruders, the lioness’s head, gave Tita a dry eye in the last fight.
(25)I can feel anger in my right eye, shining with the lost light.
(26)I’m worried as I turn them on.
(27)He also has to protect three young babies who are injured themselves.
(28)Suddenly, the lionesses who were chasing them stop walking.
(29)It’s not unusual to have a spontaneous fire in Africa.Tooth
(30)Flames can’t help but stop the assassins.
(31)Martita takes this opportunity to diligently run away with her cubs.
(32)the first daughter and the second son who diligently follows their mother.
(33)But the youngest is slow, so he can’t easily catch up and lag behind.
(34)In a hurry, Matita bites the youngest and hastens her steps.
(35)Dubaraim has to go to a small island. The intruders are the only ones who’ve ever since.
(36)I won’t come after you.
(37)But the owners of the river on the beach are going to take the Matita family.
(38)I don’t think he’ll let me go easily.
(39)I stopped walking and was in agony, but I can’t stop.in front of the river
(40)Because the intruder lion followed right behind me.Behind the crocodile, a male lion tightens the matita.

The Legendary Lion Documentary Ab

image text translation

(1)In the end, Matita makes a decision.
(2)Fight the lion or cross the river?
(3)Martita’s choice was to cross the river.She hurried into the river.
(4)Starting with her brave first daughter and her second son, she followed her mother into the river.
(5)But the timid and slow-moving youngest is still hesitating.
(6)In the meantime, the intruder was just around the corner.
(7)The lioness lit his eyes and went out looking for Matita and her cubs.
(8)On the other side, Matita is nervously watching the youngest.
(9)Finally, as Matita wishes, the youngest takes courage and begins to cross the river.
(10)But watching a little lion cub cross the river alone,
(11)There are no crocodiles.
(12)With a moment’s flop, the youngest never came out of the water again.hostile
(13)I was scared, but I couldn’t cross the river.Ji
(14)The crocodile snatches the youngest and then slowly disappears.
(15)Matita is watching where the youngest is dumbed down.You
(16)There’s nothing she can do.to have
(17)The first daughter must also feel the death of the youngest child vividly.
(18)I’m going to take my own steps. He wasn’t hungry.
(19)I achieved my desired purpose.
(20)Even the lioness went away, Martita is still looking at the river.But…
(21)She never lost her husband until she was the youngest.
(22)A long time later, Martita steps back in.
(23)Matica still has two birds left.
(24)Now she has to protect her remaining children at all costs.
(25)Dubajac is a barren island, a prey for Matita and her cubs.
(26)Not much.
(27)There are still two young gin in good health, but the grasshopper god can’t last long.
(28)I’m starving more and more.
(29)I don’t think he abandoned Matita.
(30)That’s the water buffalo. These buffaloes are also very important to humans.
(31)They are being driven out of their homes.
(32)A lioness is not a prey to hunt, but a powerful horn,
(33)A lioness weighs 120-180kg, and a buffalo weighs 1 ton.
(34)It’s no different from the army to form a group under strict discipline.
(35)Sometimes, the appearance of things when they attack the ruler first
(36)It could be hope or despair for the Matita family.
(37)Marty doesn’t have a choice who he has no choice.
(38)It seems that the treatment of a horse is generous to a herd of females rushing to the buffalo.
(39)The cubs are hiding in hiding and watching their mother hunt.
(40)I try, but most of them fail. If a female could kill herself, she wouldn’t have won the battle of invaders in the first place.
(41)I can’t help it.
(42)Therefore, Matita is mainly after her babies who have fallen off.
(43)But cows can’t let their babies go.
(44)Mother buffaloes protect their young as well as matita.
(45)have a slip in one’s tracksto the point of being beaten
(46)As these days are repeated, Martita is bound to get tired.
(47)But you can’t be frustrated. I’m so glad to see Martita. I’m so glad to see all the running kids.
(48)for the sake of
(49)While the Martita fiasco is repeated, her hunting skills in the process are significant.
(50)He’s growing fast.

The Legendary Lion Documentary Ab

image text translation

(1)Martita targets the sub-adult, even though he can hunt alone.
(2)Because they are relatively less protected by their mothers.
(3)Martita hunts buffaloes with her growing hunting skills.
(4)They start hunting bigger and bigger buffaloes, and the number of successes increases.
(5)And there’s a flock of lionesses watching this.
(6)They came here to hunt the buffalo and found Matita.
(7)Martita, too, finds a cluster of silver eyes and remains vigilant.
(8)Neither do buffaloes, who are not happy with the appearance of silver eyes.that
(9)The emergence of more predators is very threatening even in the intestines.
(10)The group of silver-eyed people are taking a nap, but there’s no threat coming.
(11)I don’t think so.
(12)Water buffaloes move into the water and kill the sound.
(13)A herd of buffaloes ambush the lioness, and the lioness runs away in a panic.
(14)The lionesses were probably shocked by the attacks.
(15)This lesson is that they’re not allowed to hunt buffalo to the Loha.
(16)I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
(17)Martita is watching this light. For today, the water buffaloes…
(18)I’m helping Martita.
(19)The attacked light must be furious now.
(20)I’m afraid that this attack will be done by a silver-eyed person.
(21)Must be testing leadership.
(22)The next day, Matita goes on a water buffalo hunt again.
(23)The cubs are distracted by just messing around.
(24)And silver eyes are staring at this scene.
(25)The cubs instinctively notice silver eyes and are wary.
(26)They run away and start to glare.
(27)It’s not enough to beat a lioness.
(28)I’ve been chasing them, and now they’re being attacked.
(29)It’s only a matter of time.
(30)Then Matita instinctively stops hunting and runs to the cubs.
(31)For a moment, the light-eyed, the silver-eyed, unable to resist,
(32)Roll on the floor.
(33)In the end, the silver eye in the crowd did not beat Matita.internal temperature
(34)It’s a silver lining, with a clear victory or defeat.
(35)Matica gave up hunting me and cut me off.
(36)For her, how else would she safely beat her cubs?
(37)Will you be able to hide it?
(38)Tita said it was dark, but a group of dragon’s eyes turned the baby into a reverse.
(39)Keep her close to the herd.
(40)I’m protecting you from aiming.
(41)Matita hunts and fills her cubs.
(42)I was able to feed him.
(43)Water buffaloes slow down and aim for sustainability.
(44)In front of her, she became a hunter even if she had a lot of cats in the water.
(45)Countless water buffaloes are falling down.
(46)Neither the buffalo nor the silver eye was a rival before Matita.Prize
(47)No, it seemed that way.
(48)It happened one day at dawn.
(49)Martita, who finished hunting all night, searches for the cubs, but is nowhere to be seen.
(50)She anxiously calls for her cubs.
(51)Then a faint cry comes back from behind the vine.

The Legendary Lion Documentary Ab

image text translation

(1)Martita runs away in a hurry.
(2)She is the bravest and brightest first daughter.
(3)But it’s strange that my daughter, who was always active, sits on the floor and doesn’t fall off.
(4)Throughout the night, someone smashed her daughter’s legs completely.
(5)Matita licks her daughter’s leg anxiously, but her wounds are serious and she doesn’t heal from a lick.
(6)As Matita moves on, her daughter moves to keep up.
(7)But it’s getting worse. The daughter who’s always been following her.
(8)He drags his legs and follows him pitifully.
(9)Matita stops walking, waits for her daughter, and she works hard with her front legs.
(10)I’m following you.
(11)Matita stopped in front of the river, and she couldn’t keep up with her.
(12)I’m just crying.
(13)She stopped crying behind her mother, just looking at Matita.
(14)Martita closes her eyes tightly and shakes her head as if she were holding back tears.
(15)It’s been like that for two mothers and daughters. Daughter, mother, daughter.
(16)There wasn’t anything I could do.
(17)Suddenly, Matita turns her head to a loud noise.
(18)These are not new water buffaloes, but the strange thing is that Matita’s…
(19)be visible to the eye
(20)There was blood on the horns of a male.
(21)Martigta hunted many young buffaloes and spent the night with adult males.
(22)perform a blood bathMartita understands all this.
(23)Martita steps towards the buffaloes.
(24)The daughter calls her first mother, but Matita quietly goes to the buffalo.
(25)be on one’s way
(26)Martita chose revenge rather than grieving for her child’s death.
(27)The anger towards the male matita adult was about to rise.
(28)In Matita’s eyes, whether it’s an adult or a singer,
(29)They’re not coming.
(30)The buffalo tries to pull the matita apart.
(31)Boumattita’s back touched the ground, but he did his best to snout.
(32)biting and not letting go
(33)Eventually, he took off Matita, but in return, his snout was worn out.
(34)But as if I knew howling under the Buddha’s feet.
(35)Her anger is by no means this much.
(36)At this time, six Maam-ri lions appeared.
(37)I think he appeared in the midst of this disturbance.
(38)The second child, who lost the first child and was invisible to me, is probably also looking for me as the first child.
(39)I’m sure you did.
(40)Sticking up the buffalo skin, he walked to the martita lionesses.
(41)Matita no longer has two lives to protect, but one meaningless life.Nothing. Nothing left of her.
(42)The silver eyes growl at the sight and show hostility.
(43)It was a fleeting moment. Matica once again overpowered the silver eye.
(44)The other lionesses were surprised to see this, so they stood there.
(45)keep one’s eye on
(46)Eventually, a silver eye expresses its intention to surrender to Matita.

The Legendary Lion Documentary Ab

image text translation

(1)It’s rare in a group of lions, but Matita has the power to make these lionesses…
(2)He became the new leader.
(3)Martita is trying to wind up her unfinished revenge with her new colleagues.Other lionesses, too, will eat their fill after a long time if they succeed in hunting, so it will never be a losing business.
(4)His silver eyes are watching him.
(5)Silver eyes, though from the head, do not intend to fall under Matita.
(6)The lionesses have finally set their sights.
(7)It’s the first time a bunch of people are working together today, but there may be good results if we have a good Matita and the lionesses who are instinctively good hunters.
(8)Martita’s pack begins to attack the leader.
(9)It’s the same leader who took Martita’s cubs.
(10)The buffaloes also systematically divide their roles and protect the leader.
(11)Here we go.
(12)The lionesses begin to scatter at the sight.
(13)Only Matita is left alone and attacking, but it’s not enough.
(14)In the end, Matita also chose to retreat under pressure.
(15)Now things have changed. Throwing the Martita pack out with overwhelming numbers
(16)The fight was fought with both the buffalo who had been the lioness as they were exhausted.
(17)be in a lull for a while
(18)Then something comes into Martita’s eyes.
(19)I can’t see the water buffalo very well, but it’s a baby lion on this island.
(20)There were only Matita’s children.If then,
(21)The second child, who thought he was dead, was alive!
(22)He runs toward his second son, avoiding the buffaloes.
(23)The second child must have noticed her mother, too.
(24)In the end, Matita and the second were able to meet again.
(25)Matita went through a lot to meet her second child again.
(26)But in the meantime, the buffaloes set up their positions and made Matita.
(27)It starts to pressuring him.
(28)Martita’s new herd of angry buffalo ahead is isolated on the other side of the buffalo.There’s still a little kid behind.
(29)the worst evil
(30)Then a silver eye appeared behind Martita.
(31)Marty Taun is wary of the light.eye.
(32)Is it surrounded by the enemy?
(33)There were only silver eyes because they were not open-minded.
(34)It means he’s going to take over Matica’s place.
(35)Matita, who understands this, concentrates on the buffaloes ahead with confidence.
(36)The lionesses on the other side are also ready to retake their positions and fight.
(37)The lionesses slowly begin to charge.
(38)They started hunting again.
(39)Finally knocked down an adult male.
(40)It’s been a long time since the lioness enjoyed a dinner. It’s the first hunt of the Martita herd.
(41)My little son’s sleep seems to be awkward because he’s gone, and he’s benefited more than anyone else.Silver
(42)But this little boy.
(43)Because I will grow up with the love and protection of my mother and aunts.
(44)past adolescence
(45)Starting with Duba Island, he commands the grasslands.
(46)Until you become a dashing king.

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