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The U.S. seems to have a strong culture of giving a crying child another rice cake.


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(1)I’m planning to move to another state in mid-May.
(2)I paid $75, $200 in advance for the rental application for the apartment I was looking for.
(3)What’s wrong with this?
(4)The day after I submit the application, there is a banner on the website that suddenly offers a discount event of 400 dollars and an exemption from the application fee.
(5)I asked the rental office, “Of course I do this, too.”
(6)He said he can’t do it because he’s not the one who submitted the application before the discount event.
(7)What is this? If you’re going to do this, cancel my application and refund me $200 in advance.
(8)I can’t help the application fee, but if I apply again, I’m exempt from the application fee, so I keep insisting that I apply again and get a $400 discount.
(9)Finally, he asked Director to give it a try, and he said that he would give a discount only today for $400, and that he would give a separate online credit for the application fee of $75.
(10)The United States seems to be a country that can benefit only by insisting and insisting.
(11)It’s a country where you can eat well and live well only when you’re confident with an iron plate on your face.

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(1)Stock Power Company 2023-03-0406364870
(2)Best 1
(3)I’m glad to see the benefits. LOL If you push back the hospital reservation for two weeks and cancel it,
(4)Reminds me of Kinsal lol Moving.
(5)Recommendation R Answer
(6)Zombie stretched 2023-03-04 1626498670
(7)Best 2
(8)That’s similar in our country lol. The person with the loud voice eventually
(9)Move to Benefit
(10)That’s not the case in the U.S. but few companies apply it to customers who made previous transactions in any country in the world. It’s just a way to respond to customer complaints. Knowing how far it’s possible is a way for customers to find benefits. If the U.S. company also gave benefits, I wouldn’t have asked for it.


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