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bitter discrimination against daily workers


bitter discrimination against daily workers

image text translation

(1)I’m an office worker at a manufacturing company.
(2)Sometimes when I’m out of work, I call in a day laborer.
(3)When it’s break time at 3pm, I give bread, milk, and snacks to the producers.
(4)I’m giving snacks to all the other employees, but it’s okay not to give it to just one day worker.
(5)I gave him bread and milk, and he said,
(6)Why are you giving me snacks?
(7)Daily workers don’t need snacks.
(8)Will you cover the snack from your salary?
(9)Everyone sits around and eats snacks during break time.
(10)It’s okay not to give snacks to just one person.
(11)Bread milk is about 3,000 won.
(12)The owner said that he gave it to me. What’s wrong with him?
(13)Complain here.
(14)Maple white 20230301 1545
(15)If you don’t give me the reason why the boss is G, S, G, and G, I’m the one who complains without me. I’ll take the blame and the boss behind me won’t get cursed at, so it doesn’t matter. (Laughs) But if I give it to you, you’ll get scolded by the boss and how much it costs to do something like J.
(16)Maple Heet 20230301 2218
(17)It’s really sad to discriminate over food, but the boss is so mean.
(18)Wow, I doubted his eyes. He’s right. He’s a person who doesn’t do things even in large companies. The company doesn’t develop because he’s like that. I feel sorry for only good employees like you. I’ll give you king crab or top-notch Korean beef for snacks, but I’ll give you 2,000 won bread at most, but there’s only one person who has a few hundred daily workers, and I don’t want to give it to everyone else. Then I hope the boss gets the karma back. You’re too low a boss to be here. Hurry up and find another place.
(19)Apple Pangpang 2023030734
(20)There is a similar manager in our company, and he said that he would give gift certificates to all employees on the day of the brand dinner, but the intern was excluded from the number of employees. So the staff of the department who prepared the event told the manager that it wasn’t right.
(21)Baffle o 20230302 0827
(22)That’s the kind of mindset you’re running, so I don’t think you’ll be able to go
(23)Just say, “Take it out of mine.” I really don’t like it.
(24)The boss is so mean.
(25)b 20230302 1000
(26)You’re so ugly. You’re talking shit. You’re gonna learn something like that.
(27)I don’t have anything to say. Find something else. I didn’t know you’d say anything to me later.
(28)There’s a saying that people can eat poop next to them, but people can’t eat it next to them.
(29)Boss, you’re so inhumane.


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