My wife’s excuse for having an affair with a pastor.jpg

My wife's excuse for having an affair with a pastor.jpg

image text translation

(1)My mother told me about the results of her genetic test.
(2)If you could explain how to understand what happened,
(3)I think it’ll help him come to terms with the facts.
(4)I agree.
(5)Since the genetic test results came out like this,
(6)But according to genetic testing,
(7)Your affair with the pastor isn’t true.
(8)Personally, I’ve never had an affair with a pastor.
(10)Let me ask you straightforwardly. Whose son is he?
(11)an informant
(12)God-given son
(13)No matter what anyone says, it’s true.
(14)I’ll grab that and go.

My wife's excuse for having an affair with a pastor.jpg

image text translation

(1)Your husband must have been devastated. Yes.
(2)I’m not sorry at all.
(3)I’m sure he’d be upset if I thought about this, but I just didn’t do anything shameful to him.
(4)If my daughter and son say they don’t believe me.
(5)We’re going to talk about this just as we did genetic testing on the air.

My wife's excuse for having an affair with a pastor.jpg

image text translation

(1)There is a man who holds a one-man protest in front of the church every Sunday.
(2)This man suspects the relationship between his wife and the pastor, saying that his son is the child of a church pastor.
(3)After getting married, I left something behind on my way to work, so when I went home, I ran into my wife and a pastor in underwear.
(4)But the wife said the pastor came to pray, and the husband believed it.
(5)More and more people say that my son looks like a church pastor.
(6)Genetic tests show a 999 chance that the pastor and son are biological children.
(7)But the wife and the pastor claim it’s wrong, they’re the children they’ve got from prayer, and they’re talking nonsense that a miracle has happened.

My wife's excuse for having an affair with a pastor.jpg

image text translation

(1)Face Undead 23-03-04 1351
(2)Report. Confirmation of empathy.
(3)It’s an excuse that’s been around since ancient Greece lol when a married woman who cheated on her doesn’t want to reveal her father.
(4)The reply is that Zeus, who does it when something is in danger, went there.


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