Ilgi residents of apartments in Sejong City, where SBS visited themselves
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(1)Subtitle news.
(2)SBS reporters asked why the Japanese flag was hoisted.
(3)I couldn’t hear the explanation.
(1)Subtitle news.
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(2)I’d like to know why you called the Japanese flag on March 1st.
(1)Subtitle news.
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(2)The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
(3)The love of God and the traffic of the Holy Spirit will be with your flock.
(4)Like the Japanese Bible verse on the front door, the landlord…
(5)He was once known to have claimed to be Japanese.
(1)Subtitle news.
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(2)According to the report, the resident registration card
(3)It was confirmed that he was listed as a Korean in his 40s.