image text translation
(1)Conquering the Persians, everything in the Persians is Alexander.
(2)It’s a story of falling into the hands of The.
(3)Darius III’s daughters were known for their beauty, so of course he thought Alexander would touch them, and his men thought the same.
(4)Ah lol I’m busy lol I have a lot to do
(5)Hey, it’s Alexander.
(6)No;; Stateira II, I wonder why you don’t touch her when she’s pretty;;; Even if you let her play sm, there’s not a single person who can blame you.
(7)No, no. There’s one person.
(8)There’s someone.
(9)Banadaro is not a beast. He’s crazy about desire. Kwon.
(10)I’m not an animal, I’m Alex. I’m trying to get over her.
(11)Hey, I’m Mother.
(12)And Alexander told Darius’ daughters,
(13)He didn’t choose his hand as a great man at all.
(14)I’ve been your son. I’ve been your son.