The reason why we should remember verse 31

The reason why we should remember verse 31

The reason why we should remember verse 31

image text translation

(1)I’m sure all Koreans know.
(2)March 1st is the red day of the March 1 Independence Movement Day.
(3)And this day is the biggest independence movement in Korea.
(4)Celebrating the 31st Movement,
(5)You’ll know everything about the day.
(6)a national holiday in Korea
(7)March 1st, July 17th.
(8)Holiday designated holidays excluded
(9)October 03 and August 15
(10)October 09th
(11)But verse 31 isn’t just a holiday.
(12)’Five National Holidays Like Liberation Day’
(13)In other words, it is included in the happy days of the country.
(14)So I didn’t put up the flag.
(15)It should be hung high on a holiday.
(16)There are many other independence movements.
(17)It’s the same that we decided on the anniversary of the 31st Movement as a public holiday.
(18)It’s not a day to commemorate.
(19)It’s a happy day for the country.
(20)Doesn’t it feel strange?
(21)Constitution of the Republic of Korea
(22)To find the answer,
(23)You can look at the Constitution of the Republic of Korea.
(24)In the full text of our constitution,
(25)For some purpose, the Korean people…
(26)Constitution and government.
(27)It says its history.
(28)Our people, who shine with a long history and tradition,
(29)Due to the passage of the law of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea, which was established during the March 1st Movement,
(30)Resisting the April 19 Democratic Ideology against injustice and succeeding to Korea
(31)Based on the mission of democratic reform and peaceful unification of the motherland,
(32)by consolidating the unity of justice, India and the ethnic Koreans.
(33)The 31st Movement was built there.
(34)The law of the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea
(35)be marked as succession
(36)Constitution promulgated in July 1948
(37)”Our long history and traditions are shining brightly.”
(38)The people built the Republic of Korea with Kimi Samilun.
(39)in succession to the great spirit of independence proclaimed by the world.
(40)Now there is a democratic reconstruction…”Yes.
(41)And the year 1948 was made.
(42)If you look at the door to the Constitution,
(43)Korea was built through the 31st Movement.
(44)It is supposed to rebuild a democratic and independent country.
(45)When I look at it clearly,
(46)The 31st Movement is different from the independence movement.
(47)It seems that different dimensions can be inferred.
(48)But out of all the hard and many independence movements,
(49)The 31st Unnaigrau…
(50)Why was it chosen as an opportunity?
(51)in order to know
(52)under the current constitutional law
(53)The Korean Imguk City Government and the 31st Movement need to be resolved.
(54)keep one’s eyes open
(55)If today’s 3Ram’s passionate performance is 31st Movement,
(56)I know you’ve sung it.
(57)The purpose of luck is…
(58)It was everywhere in our country.talking
(59)Im and 5th grade of Joseon government is Zaea.
(60)I declare that I am a Joseon resident.
(61)During Korean language class,
(62)You must have read that sentence.
(63)That’s the 31st rhyme (64)It’s the first sentence.
(65)Our country…
(66)that our people are free people.
(67)without saying that
(68)And this monologue’s incredible.
(69)2,000 people in Wangyang class
(70)Now that I’ve come back, I wonder if it’s a star.
(71)He was a king just a year ago.
(72)It was when the remnants of the status system remained everywhere.
(73)Mr. Wang, it is unusual for all the slaves to declare themselves free.
(74)It was a revolution that was going to be epic.
(75)In other words, the third building is Giha.
(76)Declare the sovereignty of the entire 20 million people.
(77)It was a sport.
(78)Provisional Government of South Korea
(79)It was for this purpose that the interim government of the Democratic Republic system was established.
(81)There was an attempt together.I’m worried.
(82)Amson Byung-hee, the leader, responded to the questioning of which country he had established after independence, with 33 national votes.
(83)”I intend to establish a democratic political system.It’s not just me, but on the contrary, it’s that thought.”
(85)That’s what I said.
(86)March 3rd, the third day of the 31st Movement, 2019.
(87)Among the articles in the underground newspaper distributed nationwide,
(88)Establishment and the city government.
(89)There is also a message saying that you should be relieved that you will be elected.President
(90)Let’s get back to what’s amazing about this.
(91)It was not only that the Na movement was simply driven out and called for hurrah, but it was also a movement full of enthusiasm of the founding state of the state to establish a new state of the Wa system.
(94)The aspiration expressed in the 31st Movement was that on April 11, 1919, independence activists, who gathered in Shanghai, China, named the new country Republic of Korea and established a provisional government for the establishment of a systematic country.
(96)The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic.
(97)At this time, whether it is a provisional government or Article 1 of the Constitution shall be a parliamentary democratic republic.
(98)”Korean people”
(99)I think I’ve heard it before.
(100)The Republic of Korea discharged from the military is a democratic republic, and the second clause is the first constitution.
(101)Paragraph 1
(103)All power comes
(104)Even if the people who don’t know the Constitution are the main republics,
(105)Our country…
(106)I’m sure you all know it well because you heard it from somewhere.
(107)It was the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea that first created the Constitutional Article 1 Act, and the Provisional Government was the first Democratic Republican government in Korea’s history to be established in the wake of the 31st Movement.
(109)17 Expense
(110)And the literature, including the Constitution and the Code of National Foundation made by the Provisional Government, was reflected in the Constitution at the time of the establishment of the government in 1948.
(111)”The Three-Day Movement was established as South Korea and reconstructed the country in the fall.”
(112)a policy of democracy and strategy
(113)It is the first sentence of a constitutional specialist that
(114)It’s time for 31st.
(115)I will also stand in the joy of the country on the third day of the day.
(116)How many national holidays do you know?
(117)A new country where the Samil people become the masters of the movement.
(118)Since it was the first step to establishing the Republic of Korea and the provisional government established with 31 sports bars became the basis for the establishment of the government in 1948, the three-day holiday is a happy day to celebrate the start of the nation.
(119)Let’s celebrate it.
(120)It has been designated and celebrated as a national holiday since 1920 during the provisional government period.At that time, independence activists held a ceremony, and after the ceremony, cars were decorated with flowers and Taegeukgi to parade throughout the city. For your information, the 31st verse enjoyed kites at night.
(121)Department of Drama
(122)He was happy about the day by exploding firecrackers.
(123)The Korean government, which was established through the provisional government’s rule of law, also designated the March 1 Independence Movement Day as a national holiday.At the 30th anniversary of 1949, Korea’s 30th birthday was declared.
(126)I said, president.
(127)Let’s play hard to get = Let’s take a break.
(128)According to the newspaper that reported the ceremony at the time, there were large celebrations nationwide, various cultural events such as concerts, plays, and celebrations such as air shows and fireworks, making the whole country feel like a festival.
(130)Today, we don’t celebrate the Independence Movement Day properly, and we don’t have much fun.
(131)It’s a sound.
(132)One of the words that temporary activists left at the time was independence.
(133)It’s a Korean man and woman in Korea! Sing hurrah for three days in joy!Go wild and sing and play!
(134)That’s what I heard.
(135)Keeping in mind that the March 1 Independence Movement Day is a happy day for Korea, I think it would be a way to fulfill the wishes of independence activists to go around, eat delicious food, and spend a fun and enjoyable day on March 1st.
(137)The reason why we should remember the March 1 Independence Movement.
(138)Unauthorized distribution and reproduction are welcome.

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