image text translation
(1)Not long ago, a street cleaner appeared on YouTube, where he introduced his job.
(2)There are a few people who act like servants.
(3)Maybe he didn’t want to throw away the trash, so he throws it at us.
(4)I’ve had a lot of nasty things like throwing trash and telling the cleaning lady to clean up.
(5)I definitely recommend it.
(6)Your salary is above average. Not only your salary,
(7)I highly recommend it because my salary is above average.
(8)I get a lot of credit loans, too. If you use that,
(9)Noting that credit loans are also good thanks to a stable job as a civil servant,
(10)And I think I have 2.7 billion won in assets.
(11)Through credit loans, he actively attracted leverage and became an asset man worth 2.7 billion won.
(12)A successful environment where you take a shower at your villa after work and leave the 5th series.
(13)an old man at a beauty parlor
(15)Hello, I’m Sachinam.
(16)I want to tell you that it’s nothing else, so I’m posting this late at night.Like this.
(17)I got a lot of calls from the district office to fire me.
(18)I’ve been warned by the winding agency.
(19)Due to the unreasonable situation, the working hours have also been changed.
(20)Should I get fired if I have a lot of assets?Tooth
(21)As a citizen, I have the right to fire people who work in tax and air.
(22)Do you have any regrets?
(23)I have a lot of family members who read be committed to
(24)My mother is also working as a protective agent for thyroid girls.
(25)I appeared on YouTube on purpose.
(26)It’s like you’re turning into a money truck and the pictures are going around.
(27)But I hope you don’t do that.
(28)Even if each person in their 20s and 30s is motivated and hopeful,
(29)That’s why I’m here. I’m here with a lot of street cleaners.
(30)I hope you don’t lose your temper.
(31)The sanitation center receives 1000000 won per month.
(32)I’m also proud of my money.
(33)I don’t brag about
(34)Even if you work as an environmental cleaner, you can’t be rich, so with villa investment,
(35)I don’t know if it’s because I suffered a lot when I was young, but I want to live a normal life.
(36)I miss my family. I don’t want to raise them anymore.
(37)Please complain about the comments or refrain from commenting.
(38)Please release a malicious photo.House.
(39)Since then, today’s job introduction YouTuber’s announcement.
(40)A city where I had a stomachache because I owned 2 assets of 5 series in the street cleaner’s house and stood reconciled before 700 million Mapo-gu Office.
(41)Celadon Jalamin Explosive Garden
(42)-> Move personnel to hellbojik aka demotion
(43)That’s it for the Joseon-style helper ending.