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(1)Photo: Korean-Japanese Correspondents’ Conversation
(2)Since there’s half a day.
(3)I got an antipathy.
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(1)Korea-Japan correspondents’ dialogue
(2)It’s not half a day because I have an antipathy.
(3)Sankei Shimbun
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(1)Korea-Japan correspondents’ dialogue
(2)Half a day is coming out.
(3)It’s just an anti-Korean response!
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(1)Photo: Korean-Japanese Correspondents’ Conversation
(2)That’s why we fight more and more.
(3)Sankei Shimbun commentator
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(1)Talks between correspondents between Korea and Japan.
(2)To Gubota sunbae…
(3)I want to ask this question.
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(1)Sider Korea-Japan correspondent’s conversation
(2)in the most important modern period
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(1)Talks between Korea and Japan on Current Affairs
(2)for 35 years
(3)in a country ruled by Japan
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(1)a preview of a Korea-Japan correspondent’s conversation
(2)There won’t be half a day.
(3)Think about it.
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(1)a dialogue between correspondents between Korea and Japan.
(2)Of course, it’s in Korea.
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(1)Talks between correspondents between Korea and Japan.
(2)Japanese people who don’t understand are weirder.