Why are most problems with the machine fixed when it is cycled?

Why are most problems with the machine fixed when it is cycled?

image text translation

(1)Why do most of the problems with electronics?
(2)Will it be solved by turning it off and on again?
(3)Imagine you live in a huge, old city full of twisted, twisted roads. You came out of the house and tried to go to the grocery store, but at one point, you turned the wrong way while looking away.
(4)Now you’re lost. You don’t recognize any buildings.What do you think will help in this situation?
(5)Going round and round looking for a grocery store.
(6)Or you can use magic to teleport them to your house and find the way you know.
(7)So go back to the drawing board.
(8)If you turn it off and on again, this is what happens. If the machine’s tangled up because of a problem, it sends it back to the starting point.
(9)Oh, it’s the starting point. I know how to start from here.


Why are most problems with the machine fixed when it is cycled?
image text translation

(1)Judge Mersey 2023-02-2809410936870
(2)So why is it solved? Move 11.
(3)Developer’s Top Sales 2023-02-28 100649 370
(4)If you’re not sure, go back to the fetus.
(5)Judge Mersey 2023-02-28 100801
(6)Yes, mamma-jo.

Why are most problems with the machine fixed when it is cycled?

image text translation

(1)Give me a cute clip 2023-02-28 104553
(2)Usually, the operator believes that he manipulated it well, but it’s because the staff got twisted in the middle. For example, he turned left, but he did it in front of one block. If he went back to the beginning and checked if he did it properly, he would find it well.
(3)Pineapple addict 2023-02-28 110516 1770
(4)If you put a program in memory and it is not working because it interferes with other programs, if you turn it off and on, the memory is volatile, so it can be reset.

I went into Reddit to find the source, but I couldn’t find it.

There are a lot of similar questions.

What’s meaningful in your answers is usually the state of the machine, the software, the hardware, etc.








This is the link with the closest figurative answer to the text, but unlike the text, it is unanswereed.

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