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What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.


What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.

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(2)a corporate rating
(3)If you’re doing a DC Inside, you can go in.
(4)Easy commuting, free clothing, and work hard on your work.
(5)Don’t force me to do what I want to do what you want.
(6)If you don’t have a desire to grow, you’ll be able to do something else.
(7)I feel like I’m a civil servant if I don’t have any interest and growth.

a company like a government employee

The employees are not interested in each other and there is no need.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(1)Interview experience Normal difficulty level of difficulty
(2)They ask me a lot about how to use DC Inside. You asked me thoroughly about my previous work history, such as which gallery I use, what I think the pros and cons are, and where I use other communities.
(3)An interview answer or an interview feeling.
(4)When you start the interview, it would be good to prepare a brief introduction based on the contents of the self-introduction letter. I don’t think the difficulty of the interview will be difficult for those who have used the DC Inside for a long time, but I think it will be difficult for those who use it soft. A strange post.

Ask what kind of gallery you’re going to do during the interview.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(1)a corporate rating
(2)It’s ambiguous to call it the IT industry.
(3)A company that’s comfortable both physically and mentally!
(4)There are many loyal users of the portal community, so there is no sudden change in the company’s situation. Work is set, moderately loose, and routines are similar, but there is no overtime or thirst, moderate welfare is not bad.

I don’t have to work overtime or change, but I’m bored.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(2)Annual leave work dinner dinner very few provide snacks to restaurants for lunch often send overseas travel bonus while the company or site is growing high name value help schedule or work pressure It’s fun and helps a lot of users with a lot of experience
(3)There is no minimal code review and problems occur frequently The development system is not well established and each person is born.
(4)Organizational culture, which is difficult to grow into a developer, has an old working process with other departments.

Annual leave is not noticeable Send an overseas trip Bonus is good Good Dish Name Value is good, so it is advantageous to build experience and change jobs.

It’s hard to grow into a developer because the development is outdated.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(1)It’s hard to feel a sense of accomplishment, but if you pursue work-life balance, it’s a pretty good job.
(2)There is a schedule for overtime once a month when you can leave work on time without looking at yourself, and the allowance is paid. Work-life balance is very good. 100 self-dressed clothes have lunch twice a year, and no alcohol is forced.
(3)The company atmosphere is very quiet and the employees tend to…
(4)I’m an introvert, so I’m very active or challenging.
(5)It will be difficult for the haves to adjust.
(6)What do I want from management?
(7)Add practical welfare, such as food and transportation expenses.
(8)I hope you can do it.

You don’t have to go home on time. You don’t have to drink.

But the company is quiet because the employees are introverted.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(1)a corporate rating
(2)It’s good to go around in moderation if retirement age is guaranteed.
(3)IT companies like civil servants
(4)There’s a name for Dish Inside, so it’s good to say it anywhere. Even if you ask other acquaintances, their salaries and benefits are considered medium- and high for companies related to the Internet community.
(5)Except for a few teams, there are a lot of people who just leave. Since it’s an Internet company that runs on its own, there are a lot of people who play and eat when they have enough time.

Because of the company name, it’s good to talk about it somewhere.

IT companies that are like government employees who spend their time and have fun.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(1)It’s good for the small and medium-sized Internet industry.
(2)The salary is not high, but not low Last year, employees worked in France, the U.S., Australia this year, 4-45 days of training. No overtime work. No stress from company work or human relations. The best traffic gang since its foundation.

Send overseas training to France, the U.S. and Australia. Working four days a week.

No overtime, no stress on relationships.

What Dish employees call the working environment of the DC.
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(1)In the end, only a few employees are taking the lead in making people, and only those who suffer from salary, such as those who suffer, and when they see employees doze off, the angry and complacent organizational culture results in a long-term failure. Business

Only the employees who work hard for the same amount of money worked hard work.

Most of them just bury themselves in the company.

I get mad when I see employees who doze off before leaving work.

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