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YouTube Announces Suspension of Drunk Driving Exercise YouTuber, which has sparked controversy over school violence.


YouTube Announces Suspension of Drunk Driving Exercise YouTuber, which has sparked controversy over school violence.

image text translation

(1)My name is Lee Minsik, 32 years old and I live in Incheon.
(2)First of all, I’m not going to hide or run away, and if there’s a lie in what I say, I’m going to take full legal responsibility.
(3)I’ve never been on a portal site called DC, but I’ve heard a lot of rumors.
(4)Basically, I’ve heard rumors about celebrities through the news and media, and I think it’s a rule to drive a neutral gear every time.
(5)So whether you read my text and believe it or not, it’s all up to you.
(6)However, I will make sure that everything I will write here is true.
(7)However, please understand in advance that I don’t have enough time to write all the certifications or facts because I am currently working at the company.
(8)Let me summarize it briefly.
(9)1 Did Lim Dong Gyuji TV bother me?
(10)-> Yes, it’s I didn’t take money or assault, but I can’t deny that he bullied and bullied me with Lim Dong-gyu and many others.
(11)2 Did Lim Dong-gyu bully the intellectually disabled?
(12)-> This is also true But I have nothing to say about this. I didn’t like it either, and I joined in making fun of him or I condoned him. In particular, students over 90 who attended the school at the time sympathized or sat on the sidelines, so I don’t think it’s just Zigi TV’s fault on this part.
(13)3 Why did you tell me now?
(14)In the first place, I’m not interested in other people’s business. You’re successful enough and you’re doing well, so why would you say something that’ll ruin someone else’s life? I don’t think I’m living a ruined life just because I’m bullied. I can’t even say I’m a 100 victim, and if my friend hadn’t posted it in the first place, I wouldn’t have said it from the start.
(15)4. Are you sure you went to school with Lim Donggyu?
(16)-> This part is a little ambiguous. It’s true that we were in the same class when we were in Shin-X High School. However, I know that Lim Dong-gyu forcibly transferred to somewhere in Bupyeong when he was in the second grade due to various reasons such as bullying and abuse of the disabled. We were in the same class in the second grade, so we went to the same class. Or should I say no because I transferred and lived as a stranger? I’m sure you didn’t graduate with me.
(17)4 Did Lim Donggyu apologize?
(18)Yes, I did. If you look at the picture below, there is a message on Facebook asking me to call him, and I met Lim Dong-gyu for the first time since I became an adult. At that time, I heard through a friend that it was already doing well on Jiji TV, but I was lucky to have a snack. I thought that I was living well. That’s good. That’s it. That’s it. That’s it. That’s it. Anyway, let’s call and see each other. Both of us were living in Songdo New Town, so I remember meeting them around dawn. I don’t remember the exact details, but the main point is that sometimes I thought of you, and I think I was really wrong then. I was so young and immature at the time. I said I apologize”.
(19)I also heard that I’m doing well. Actually, I don’t think your apology
(20)I don’t think it comes from the bottom of my heart. I think it’s related to the show.
(21)I’m sure he’s apologizing because it’s going to be a problem, but he doesn’t do it at all
(22)I think it’s better than that. Thank you for your courage and accept my apologies.
(23)But remember, I didn’t forgive you, I just apologize.
(24)And the first thing I’m going to do on the Internet is…
(25)I don’t, but I’m not going to deny it when someone asks me. that
(26)So, I remember saying that it would be best for you to act well.
(27)After that, I got some help related to exercise through Lim Dong’s contact.
(28)My teeth weren’t that bad. But then, they started to grow apart.
(29)I’m not in touch right now because I’m so cute.
(30)What do you want me to do?
(31)-> I don’t really think about it That friend bothered me, so I’ll pay back.
(32)I don’t think it’s a matter of fact. I’m a good guy and I’m his friend.
(33)He’s a bad guy, and he doesn’t think he should be paid for it. Me too.
(34)He’s evil enough, and his friend is evil enough to think that he’s a normal person.
(35)But as I told him at the time, I’ll open my mouth first.
(36)I don’t mean to go there, but when someone asks me about him, I don’t think they’re lying.
(37)I don’t intend to do that.
(38)6 What I want to say is…
(39)I’m afraid of accusations What if I get defamation of fact?
(40)I can’t, but I’m sure he knows. I’ll tell you everything.
(41)I don’t want to. I don’t have to.
(42)I don’t really say that for his family.
(43)I will, but if you’re going to sue me for honor, I’m going to use this hand, too.
(44)Actually, I’m afraid not to hide.
(45)There’s only one bar. I didn’t mean to say it first,
(46)Now that things have come to this, I want you to acknowledge my words and apologize.
(47)Here we go. Find it to me. You should also find Lim Donggyu.
(48)If you’ve truly and coolly forgiven him,
(49)I’m avoiding it.
(50)Thank you.
(51)It was Goo. Facebook.
(52)Enable Message without a Facebook account only
(53)2008 23 PM 1023
(54)Minsik, I’m Donggyu.
(55)10 o’clock in the morning.
(56)Please contact him.

The YouTuber’s post about this.

YouTube Announces Suspension of Drunk Driving Exercise YouTuber, which has sparked controversy over school violence.
image text translation

(1)35 seconds before Jiji TV.
(2)Hello, I’m Jiji.
(3)First of all, I’d like to apologize for causing controversy.
(4)I will stop all activities on YouTube from now on.
(5)The circumstances of the incident are…
(6)I called the 23050 chauffeur in the morning and walked to the car location.
(7)At around 233 a.m., I turned the car upside down, and after I got off,
(8)I’m confronted by a police officer on patrol.
(9)It’s not for the purpose of driving, but it’s for the body to be caught in the ship.I’m sure it’s because of my complacency, and the figure is 005.There’s still a police summons, and I’ll try my best to investigate this part.
(10)I’m sorry.
(11)Also, any additional issues related to school violence
(12)In my life, I’ve always had bad feelings.
(13)You pick on someone, you threaten them, you steal money.
(14)I’ve never done this before.
(15)I mean it.
(16)Please refrain from making reckless speculations.
(17)I’d like to apologize once again to all the people who loved Jiji TV.
(18)I’ll stop my YouTube activities here.
(19)Thank you for loving GGTV.
(20)I’m sorry again.
(21)Brief view
(22)349 tea.

He says it’s not true, but if the school violence is true,

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