The gap between the rich and the poor felt by the postpartum care center classmates.

The gap between the rich and the poor felt by the postpartum care center classmates.

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(1)Title: I can feel the gap between rich and poor because the child is big.
(2)That’s it.
(3)The view count is 25950.
(4)Date of creation 2023-02-03 215403
(5)The same cook friends.
(6)The so-called rich village because of her husband’s job.
(7)I was at the postpartum care center.
(8)I’m good at making friends and have a good personality.
(9)Around the same time, when I was in elementary school and high school,
(10)We’re doing great.
(11)Kids’ birthdays are two days apart, so they’re all pretty.
(12)I’ve seen them since I was a kid. They’re like my babies.
(13)But they were friends whose uncle was a newlywed house.
(14)It wasn’t me.
(15)From one or two years old to the lower grades of kindergarten,
(16)Even if there was a difference, it was just like that. I felt it.
(17)Now, from overseas training to travel education, the school of the school district.
(18)It’s all a difference that you can’t help but compare.
(19)I didn’t compare myself to others.
(20)What a different child!
(21)That’s right. I didn’t know when I was young.
(22)I can feel that the gap is really big.
(23)It’s ㅜ다
(24)This is an advertisement terminated by Google.
(25)There are 57 comments.
(26)I feel more when my husband retires.
(27)a wife pensioner
(28)a recipient of parental inheritance
(29)a dependent parent
(31)I don’t need anything!
(32)Good luck with your child’s studies and getting into a top-notch university.
(33)Even if you have a lot of money, you can’t do this.
(34)Living in a crowded neighborhood with many twisted generations, study in Seoul.
(35)I felt it a lot when I saw my mom.
(36)She doesn’t hide anything. She has a big heart for telling stories about sending her child.
(37)was a man of silver
(38)When they were driving a foreign car,
(39)I’m going to drive a minicar and have a great time.
(40)It was a trip for 2 days and 1 night.
(41)The kids are starting to differ.
(42)I’m upset ㅜㅜ
(43)I should accept it.~~~
(44)There must have been a time in human history when there was no class and a country.
(45)Wait a minute. I think we’re really funny. crying
(46)If they don’t look down on you or get away from you, they’ll do it in a bad way.
(47)I wish you all the best of luck!
(48)If we don’t care about that, we can have a good relationship.
(49)How cool is that!
(50)But if you keep feeling ashamed, avoid it first because it’s uncomfortable.
(51)I think it’ll work. I’m rooting for you. ^^
(52)I can’t let you go because I don’t have money.(T)
(53)Have a nice day.
(54)I’m doing well.
(55)It gets worse as time goes by.
(56)More, more, more.
(57)I only went to the hotel gym.
(58)Where you live, you eat and wear.
(59)I was trying to keep up with the reality.
(60)I’m only losing money. Wake up.
(61)I don’t know why I’m going into a prison where I made it myself.Silver
(62)Stop being friends with the kitchen friend.
(63)I don’t like that ○
(64)If I have to get rid of the rich, I’ll only spend money.Tooth
(65)Clothing Jewelry Hobby Culture Life Center Pattern Lantern Carnival
(66)It’s just that I can’t even do the information reality class.
(67)Yo, 22222 He’s just upset.
(68)They’ll think I’m boring and I’ll have to worry and spend money.
(69)That’s not my life.
(70)Those who don’t think about it are burdened by small consumers.
(71)I can. I live in a neighborhood that’s comfortable.
(72)What’s wrong with postpartum care?
(73)What’s so important?
(74)I’ll scold you and your children.
(75)after the retirement of men
(76)at the time of the city or after the birth of a pro-life gift.
(77)It’s going to be more serious.
(78)Morning Dong…
(79)Even if you die or die, it ends between 3 and 5 years old. Amazing.


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