Mr. Ajo who went to learn jujitsu at the age of 40.

Mr. Ajo who went to learn jujitsu at the age of 40.

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(1)I went to learn jiu-jitsu at my age of 40.
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(4)I want to try hard exercise, so I put off playing golf.
(5)I was looking for Crossfit or gym, and I saw Jiu-Jitsu on YouTube.
(6)I saw it. I knew what it was.
(7)The weak can beat the strong and know the principles rather than the power to do well.
(8)Chess and so on, which I played with my body, stimulated my curiosity.
(9)I looked for a Jiu-Jitsu gym in the neighborhood and found one.
(10)He taught Hapkido and Jiu-Jitsu together.
(11)English jump rope that you can learn together.
(12)I couldn’t hesitate to do it any more.
(13)I called and found out that the instructor is a year older than me.
(14)He’s a very decent guy.
(15)in a good way to see my prediction
(16)I thought every athletic director was a tough, tough guy.
(17)Even with just a few words,
(18)I could easily guess that he was a good man.
(19)Don’t hesitate, I was told to come quickly, so I ran in one step.
(20)I registered right away and even bought a uniform.
(21)I asked how many adult officials there are, and a lot of people came in the morning.
(22)He said he’s coming in the evening.
(23)So I can’t do it in the morning, so tell me the time when a lot of people come in the evening.
(24)I said that, and the adult part…
(25)You test it first, and then you pass the minority class.
(26)I heard you can learn.
(27)I clapped internally because I thought it was a true teacher that no one would receive.
(28)He continued the question without making it obvious.
(29)I asked how much it takes to make a black belt.
(30)He’s still blue.
(31)I’m training every day, and Jiu-Jitsu should be about ten years.It’s…
(32)I’m 40 years old, but I have to do it until I’m 50 to get a black belt.
(33)I couldn’t help but bowing my head because of the exercise and thought.
(34)Medical school makes doctors in six years.
(35)What is this movement called Jiu-Jitsu?
(36)There was no way to recover from the delusion of being in an abyss.
(37)Anyway, I’ll pay 2 million won for the uniform, registration, and membership for 6 months.
(38)When I was about to pay, I hesitated and asked if I didn’t use Kakao Pay.
(39)They asked me. I didn’t think much. With one word of exclamation, I sent the money through Kakao Pay.
(40)The emergency fund I had hidden behind my wife’s back disappeared in an instant.
(41)But you can save money again. I paid for the hospital bill cheaply.I’ll think about it.
(42)Like Jiu-Jitsu’s body on YouTube,
(43)I was so happy to be reborn.
(44)I did ten minutes of warm-up and one-on-one technical practice.
(45)My whole body was stiff and I couldn’t move.
(46)The instructor was doing Amba and it hurt so much that I screamed.
(47)I realized that watching and doing things are different.
(48)I did Amba this time, too, but the director didn’t get caught properly.and
(49)He fixed my posture, so I thought it was this time, so I turned it around.
(50)Compared to the revenge I had earlier, in a shorter time,
(51)Is it because I was worried about losing weight?
(52)Director Ibernian told me to be gentle with a scream.
(53)I feel good because I feel like I succeeded for some reason.
(54)I practiced and sparred like that’s how I practiced.
(55)After hitting the tap in a row,
(56)Why are you targeting ordinary people like me in this countryside?
(57)Do you teach sports? I can’t help but hear the sound.
(58)Oh, my God. Shouldn’t you go to UFC?
(59)He smiled.
(60)I’m going to spar like that, but I can see the background of “OHHAKNYEON”.
(61)One by one, the kids came in in uniform.
(62)Children have Hapkido written on their backs.
(63)I don’t have anything on my back, so I want the director to hit me with a jiu jitsu obaro.
(64)I heard it’s not like that here.
(65)I asked him where he should go, and he was ordering too.
(66)He said he doesn’t know.
(67)After the sparring, the kids must have something to see.
(68)Everyone was looking at me.
(69)Of course, I’m a mess of sweat and dust, and my face is reddish.
(70)It was like that.
(71)The instructor told me to sit down because he wanted to go now.
(72)Elementary school students and I are students in front of the instructor.
(73)I knelt down.
(74)When the instructor was with me, he had a good manager.
(75)I felt that the way I spoke became serious when I came to elementary school.Tooth
(76)Kneeling down at my age of 40.
(77)Examples and filial piety toward parents
(78)It’s a set of silent tribute to the patriots who protect the country.
(79)I was given a ten-minute long speech.Liver.
(80)And then the director went around and said, “What did you do well to your parents today?”
(81)I was the third person who told me what I couldn’t do. The third was me.
(82)I didn’t know my heart would tremble like this at that age.Tooth
(83)I even had skepticism about Jiu-Jitsu.
(84)It’s my first time seeing what I did wrong to my parents as an athlete.
(85)It’s hard to buy an easy decision in front of a confession.
(86)Oh, my God. It’s over.The order is…
(87)I haven’t done anything good recently.
(88)The wrong mile was when my mom scorned my wife.
(89)We agreed.
(90)All the elementary school students seemed nervous.
(91)The instructor listened to it quietly, but it was for my mom.
(92)You said you did a good job and you said you were a wife-tail.
(93)He pointed out the number of heads of each group.I’m not learning.
(94)I thought I’d learn life here.
(95)It felt like a big mountain.orchid
(96)Go home and go to the Consumer Protection Agency.
(97)I called him and asked him if he was capable of getting six months’ worth of change.
(98)I heard that the address of the possible gym and the head of the museum told me.
(99)A few days later, I got a full refund, so I wrote how I felt today.


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