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a nine-month jaywalk on trial


a nine-month jaywalk on trial
image text translation

(1)Viewed by 10195 viewers.
(2)Bobaedream was found not guilty of hitting a black box jaywalking boy.
(3)I got it. June 22, 23 February.
(4)The boy ran from behind the truck and couldn’t see any more.
(5)After the accident, I called 119 ambulance and sent him to the hospital.
(6)The child was hospitalized on Friday the day of the accident and was playing basketball on Monday.
(7)The police and the insurance company said it was Black Park’s fault, but it was unfair and was formally tried after the summary trial.
(8)Boy’s personal insurance has been canceled.
(9)It’s ridiculous that the police wanted me to be acquitted after nine months of suffering.
(10)I say something.
(11)I’m going to get compensation from my parents for the repair of my car repair.
(12)What a waste of 9 months of this simple thinking.
(13)Can’t the police ship handle this?
(14)It’s obviously illegal jaywalking.


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