The Republic of Korea is dying out.

The Republic of Korea is dying out.

The Republic of Korea is dying out.
image text translation

(1)Subtitle News S
(2)be on the verge of extinction
(3)The Republic of Korea is dying out.
(4)I’m sure you’ve read a lot of articles with this title.
(5)Subtitle news SCIE
(6)The Republic of Korea…
(7)be on the verge of extinction
(8)It’s because the population living in Korea is rapidly decreasing.
(9)Subtitle news STATTE
(10)The year 2021.
(11)57,000 fewer people
(12)According to the National Statistical Office’s population trends,
(13)Last year alone, the population dropped by more than 120,000.
(14)Subtitle news STUALIEN
(15)What’s more noteworthy is that the population has more than doubled in a year compared to the 57,000 decrease in the previous year.
(16)The year 2022
(17)123,000 fewer people
(18)The population cliff is in full swing due to the low birth rate and aging population.
(19)If this trend continues, Korea’s population in 2070.
(20)Some predict that the number will shrink to 38 million.
(21)Subtitle news SOLINE
(22)Causes of Low Birth Rate in Korea
(23)i hagwon academy
(24)Parents spend too much on their children’s future
(25)When the unprecedented demographic extinction took place,
(26)Foreign media are also paying attention to Korea’s low birth rate.
(27)Subtitle news 30
(28)Hagwon Academy
(29)Bloomberg reported in detail the nation’s low birth rate crisis.
(30)One of the reasons was the high cost of education.
(31)Subtitle news, SOCIEN.
(32)Not too long ago, there was a report that expressed it in two letters.
(33)Hagwon Academy
(34)Subtitle news STE.
(35)”Parents spend too much on their children’s future
(36)Korean parents spend more money on their children’s future than in other countries.
(37)He pointed out the burden of education expenses as the cause of the low birth rate.
(38)high housing prices
(39)Average house prices have risen by 80 over the past five years”
(40)The analysis of Japan’s Nihon Keizai Shimbun was similar.
(41)high housing prices over the past year
(42)580. The average house price.
(43)Education costs, etc., increase in land father Adam, and high housing prices
(44)There are a lot of people who get married and have children.
(45)High house prices Average house prices rise 80 in five years
(46)In particular, real estate prices in Korea have risen by an average of 80 over the past five years.
(47)Subtitle news SE.
(48)Korea’s Low Birth Rate Causes High Housing Prices Average Housing Prices to Rise 80 Over the Last Five Years
(49)The price of 89 times the average house income
(50)He pointed out that it is higher than Japan or Europe and the United States.
(51)Regiton Research Institute
(52)”Reliability Between Members
(53)The advanced countries are at the bottom of Korea.
(54)David Coleman, a professor at Oxford University’s National Institute, is dying out due to low birthrates.
(57)The social atmosphere that you can’t appreciate…
(58)There’s even an analysis that says Korea’s extinction is playing a role.
(59)Regatum Laboratory
(60)Composition Chart
(61)Korea ranks lowest among advanced countries
(62)David Coleman, Oxford University’s first National Institute of Professors, whose population problem is extinguished by low birth rates.
(63)According to the British Lega Research Institute, Sunjintum, which measured the liver surface of Korean members,
(64)It’s ranked at the bottom of the list of trustworthy people.
(65)David Coleman, the lowest in Korea among advanced countries, is the first country in which Korea is extinguished due to low birth rate.
(66)Professor Day Coleman of the Institute for Population Studies at Oxford University in the U.K. said, “Will David Choi Raj become a nationalist?”
(67)You said Korea lives on Earth.
(68)Korea is highly trusted among the members of the Regitong Research Institute.
(69)the lowest rank in developed countries
(70)David Coleman, professor of research at Oxford University, is the first country to be wiped out by childbirth.
(72)He also gave a shocking outlook on Korea’s low birth rate.
(73)Subtitle news SODELIEN
(74)of the younger generation with low birth rates
(75)You have to understand it as a scream.
(76)280 trillion won
(77)The low birth rate problem that has not been solved even after spending about 280 trillion won in taxes for 16 years.
(78)Like a professor who said that we should understand it as a scream of the youth generation,
(79)Subtitle news TE.
(80)Anchor Park Seokwon.
(81)Subtitle News Line
(82)Painful, dependable, accurate point of where it is. He needs power, so he diagnoses his mouth and makes a prescription.
(83)the sundown tooth

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