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Two salaries for my co-worker who committed suicide.


Two salaries for my co-worker who committed suicide.

image text translation

(1)Gas Corporation’s issue of this week’s issue to a co-worker who committed suicide.
(2)Is it fair to pay two salaries?
(3)Korea Gas Corporation and Min
(4)I’m sure all the company blinds are like that.
(5)It’s always a place where people of battle fight.
(6)This week’s hot pick for the gas corporation is…
(7)Is it right to pay a special prize inquiry fee to a co-worker who committed suicide?
(8)The special reward inquiry fee is the money that a co-worker in the company receives from the salary of two of the basic salary of all employees and gives to the family of the deceased.
(9)The purpose is good, but the company employees pay for the rest of the family with humanity. To be honest, there’s no problem up to here. There’s no big controversy.
(10)But the problem happened on payday on the 20th this week.
(11)Why 20th? 20th is our company’s payday.
(12)At this time, he stole the money, saying it was a special prize money.
(13)In fact, there is a culture of King God public corporations that take it without any notice when collecting the inquiry fee for a special prize, so employees knew what it was.
(14)There was someone who committed suicide, and it was paid to him.
(15)Because of that, a speculation site opened in our company’s blinds.
(16)Why should we force ourselves to donate even suicide?
(17)They’re from the same company, but they don’t even know each other, so why would they take money with them?
(18)You guys are people, but you’re from the same company. That’s so mean! The company killed him! It’s a race against humanity.
(19)Honestly, I understand both sides.
(20)I don’t know why they’re fighting. Actually, the problem is not only the people who want to pay, but the system that forces them to collect expenses and not to withdraw, like the joint system, but everyone is fighting hard.
(21)What about other companies? There’s a system like this.
(22)For your information, I’m only in favor of monthly funeral expenses.
(23)the position of opposing the special prize inquiry fee a lot
(24)Oh, that’s right. We usually pay for the funeral service, so take that extra.
(25)KRW 02–03 million to KRW 150,000 excluding the basic salary of the first half of the year
(26)2 In the event of an accidental occurrence of a special prize inquiry fee, 2 per person from the monthly salary of the following month.
(27)3 Selection of personal aid
(28)The problem here is number two.
(29)Korea Gas Corporation Lounge Public Corporation Lounge Public Corporation Lounge
(30)affiliated company
(31)Korea Gas Corporation
(32)Comments 164.
(33)54 more comments.
(34)SK Hynix
(35)I understand both, but I think I have an institutional problem.
(36)Wouldn’t it be better to raise the funeral expenses more?
(37)If there is a problem with a few people every month, will you do it all then?
(38)It’s so sad, but it’s based on totalitarian thinking.
(39)㉡ 10 hours.
(40)· land gas corporation
(41)LOL. The company is ruined.
(42)k National Sports Promotion Foundation
(43)In my memory, there was a legal problem with this and when it disappeared,
(44)But when I came to a public institution, I still had this. It’s bad because it’s your image.
(45)I don’t think it’s 10,000 won, but I don’t think it’s okay.
(46)㉡ 5 hours ○ Bigger
(47)There’s no order to go.
(48)㉡ Four hours.
(49)In South Gyeongsang Province,
(50)If you look at the photos these days, you don’t have to work with them.
(51)Well, he was sick. He’s a colleague. I’ll search him. He’s too young.
(52)I feel sorry for him, but I have these thoughts and I feel heavy.
(53)We’re wasting it like we’re wasting it on our paychecks.
(54)There’s no one who can’t help but feel uncomfortable, so even if there’s no one, the corrosion…
(55)We worked for a long time and it hurt my hearing.
(56)Staff members, please make a mistake and send a donation for help.
(57)I don’t know what’s going on in my life.
(58)Don’t think about the immediate damage.
(59)Writing comments ○
(60)The people of the government are…
(61)We’re the same, but I don’t have any complaints. I don’t know if I’m going to be that person.
(62)It’s not a lot of Lein Manuscripts, it’s a sign of Nuboc, more of my family than Hum.
(63)It’s the last bastion. In fact, it’s a suicide we don’t know.
(64)Except for a system that’s going to happen and disappear someday.
(65)It’s not gonna work. It’s more of a baggy than a baggy.
(66)How many people a year, and each employee isn’t a lot of money, but for each family,
(67)It’s a safety valve. I don’t know my life. – Choi’s Louis.
(68)Oh, it’s big smile.
(69)Korea and D.S. Corporation
(70)Like, if you say something that’s true, it makes sense.
(71)㉡ Two o’clock.
(72)· a horseradish society
(73)Gas Corporation, I live in the same neighborhood in Korea.
(74)I’d like to ask each of you.
(75)Two hours.
(76)P Corporation. Recently seen gas.
(77)There was a lot of people and the award…
(78)Because of the nature of the company, people like it. There are many people who don’t meet flat life, so unfortunately, never.
(79)If you’re thinking about something, let’s help each other out.
(80)○ Yes.
(81)Korea JS Corporation
(82)It’s not justifiable, but it is. ○ Daggle


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