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The incident that changed the world’s film CG world.


The incident that changed the world's film CG world.

image text translation

(1)One of the best film directors in the world.
(2)James Cameron will make Terminator and Alien 2.
(3)a leap to becoming a global director
(4)Ah lol what to make next lol
(5)Whatever I make, I’m the best, so I’ll take a break and think about it. (Laughs]
(6)Cameron, who was a big water buff,
(7)Playing in the water at a vacation spot.
(8)I was a water buff who watched the sea documentary.
(9)Science Seminar documentary. We made liquid oxygen with a concentration of 65 oxygen.
(10)As soon as you succeed in breathing with liquid in a mouse experiment, even a professional diver succeeds in breathing for 45 minutes.
(11)It’s not true.
(12)If you use that, you can explore the ocean.
(13)James Cameron, a water buff, is a big fan.
(14)Right now, that liquid oxygen comes out.
(15)I started writing a marine movie.
(16)The drilling team went down to find the missing submarine.
(17)The story of meeting an alien who was alive in the water!Person
(18)Wow, it’s gonna be a big hit!La
(19)Abyss was the only real failure of James Cameron.
(20)Ah lol all the staff actors had a hard time and renewed it lol a virtual scene
(21)I’m satisfied. The production cost is the best.
(22)In my head,
(23)Will it be possible to use CG?
(24)ILM, a CG company founded by George Lucas to create Star Wars.
(25)What is it?
(26)The water turns into a pillar and moves.
(27)It has to turn into a human face and then suddenly turn into water.
(28)Go away.
(29)At the time, CG was like a cartoon image, and yeah – the Star Wars 4 special effects must be synthesized by Lum and James Cameron. In fact, it was practically the same as an implementation that we knew.
(30)That’s about it.
(31)That kind of scene is CG-like.
(33)There’s nothing special about ILM, the best in the world.
(35)Bring it here.
(36)For your information, if it doesn’t seem real,
(37)I don’t know if you’re satisfied, so do it.
(38)How can you make this look real?
(39)John, ILM CG Supervisor at the time.
(40)I made a program with my brother.
(41)I think that’s possible with Day Girl.
(42)So John and his brother Thomas worked together.
(43)and complete this scene.

Considering that this movie was shot in 1987,

The CG was so amazing that I couldn’t believe it.

This is a scene in the movie industry.

The starting point of modern digital special effects

remains an important scene to be evaluated as

The scene where it changes from the water column to the actual water.

without interruption

Very natural like the current movie CGs.

Once again, it was 1987 at this time.

The incident that changed the world's film CG world.

image text translation

(1)Wow, that’s perfect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(2)James Cameron, who curses and cuts the staff like a tyrant if not perfect, is satisfied and the movie is released without difficulty.
(3)And it’s ruined.
(4)Wow, but now that I’m working on it, I need more functions like this and that.
(5)John tweaks the image program they created based on what he worked on his brother Thomas.
(6)We’re going to launch a real program with a company that has a launch contract.
(7)That program…
(8)John Nol and Thomas Nol’s
(9)For your information, Abyss won the Academy Award for Special Effects that year.
(10)John Nol is listed as the special effects director for Abyss.
(11)And the technology used in that water column scene
(12)And then, in James Cameron’s work, it was used properly.

a film that has been refined and written properly

Terminator 2

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