That’s the most tongjeong pimp lol

image text translation
(1)”From the first trial, a light bat.”
(2)Deutsche Motors’ stock price manipulation case 1st trial ruling 2023210
(3)Statutory prescription standard
(4)Expiration of 10 years
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image text translation
(1)Straight from the 1st round. Light slap.
(2)due to a change in the main gun
(3)The unity and continuity of the crime were not maintained.
(4)Seoul Central District Court
(5)Criminal Agreement Part 23
(6)the last 10 days
image text translation
(1)The straight 5 billion club is fizzling out.
(2)five billion clubs
(3)Hwacheon Daeyu Employment
(4)Former lawmaker Kwak Sang-do received 5 billion won in severance pay.
(5)Choi Jae-kyung, former senior presidential secretary for civil affairs
(6)Get a 1.1 billion won loan for employment in Hwacheon Daeyu.
(7)through the sale of an apartment in Daejang-dong.
(8)1.8 billion won in capital gains
(9)Former special prosecutor Park Young-soo’s “Kiss’s Wait” or “That”.