image text translation
(1)It’s all thanks to the Communist Party that we have clothes to wear and food to eat.Infinite College raised you, but you left Infinite College and left China.You are no longer Chinese.
(2)A lot of people here ask you to teach, but I don’t think you’re qualified to evaluate China and discuss the future of China long since you left China.You don’t deserve it. Thank you.
(3)You said you had clothes to wear and food to eat because of the Communist Party, so I’ll tell you one thing now.
(4)In 1950, China reformed its land.During that brief year of land reform, 2.6 million landowners were killed. 2.6 million of the best farmers in the countryside have died.
(5)This is just the beginning. From 1959.
(6)1962: For the past three years, I’ve had a lot of talent.
(7)Forty-three million people are suffering from an abnormal condition.
(8)He was killed.
(9)In my hometown, Anhui, 7 million in Shandong.
(10)9 million from Hanam to 9 million to Sacheon to 10 million.
(11)These are definite numbers.
(12)I’ve experienced it myself.
(13)That’s what you’re talking about, the Communist Party.
(14)Do you mean giving clothes and food to eat?
(15)People who have starved to death in China since ancient times.
(16)The total number doesn’t add up to this much.
(17)Japan invaded China’s Northeast Samsung for 45 years
(18)The Chinese who killed them for 14 years until they surrendered.
(19)The number is 21 million.
(20)I’ll tell you. Mao Zedong since 1945
(21)For 28 years until his death, 64 cases,
(22)China without calculating the case of the Beopryun Gong incident, etc.
(23)A Chinese man who killed and executed the Communist Party at the very least.
(24)80 million viewers.
(25)than the Chinese killed by the Japanese Empire.
(26)It’s four times more.Silver
(27)I’ll tell you one last thing. You’re here for a visit.
(28)I’m a visiting Chinese scholar.
(29)What is a scholar? You need to know how to tell the truth.
(30)I don’t want the Communist Party you talked about today.
(31)There’s no home for you, no food for you.
(32)Prove once that there is a new China.
(33)Look. Then, I’m going to take a heart attack.
(34)I will do that
(35)You’ve been with the Communist Party for 80 years.
(36)He told the people that he contributed to his contribution.
(37)I’m sure you can’t do it, but our mountain house…
(38)The crimes that will be committed against the Chinese nation and its people.
(39)I can tell you as much as I want.
(40)Then, like a visiting scholar and a poem like me,
(41)There’s a difference between the middle and the middle.
(42)I love you later, but you love the soup.
(43)I love the Chinese Communist afraid of the party
(44)Thank you.