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Jongwon Baek Someone who’s been writing comments on YouTube for a year.


Jongwon Baek Someone who's been writing comments on YouTube for a year.

image text translation

(1)7 months ago. 2 months ago, including 2 months ago.
(2)a round pattern of goods
(3)Please stir-fry budae.Please say “Yong”.
(4)Cooking secret recipe book stir-fry, please.
(5)Six months ago.
(6)11 months before the ward.
(7)Stir-fried sausage, please.
(8)I’d like to have budae-bokkeum.
(9)5 months before illness, etc.
(10)10 months before the disease
(11)Please give me some stir-fried sausage.
(12)Stir-fried sausage, please.
(13)Four months ago.
(14)Nine months ago.
(15)More than a year ago.
(16)Three months ago.
(17)Please, Brick for the uniform!
(18)For the team member who’s been requesting,
(19)Two months ago.
(20)I beg you to
(21)Please stir-fry 11 dong units, including cooking secret books and stir-fry, please.
(22)6 months ago. 1 month before the hospital.
(23)Please like it.Please stir-fry budae.
(24)Back 5 months potential 3 weeks ago
(25)음Hmm, please.
(26)Stir-fried sausage, please.
(27)9th Street of Hospital 9th Street.
(28)Please stir-fry it.
(29)Over a year ago, 22 hours before the disease.
(30)Three months ago.
(31)Please give me some stir-fried sausage.
(32)Kim Bok is from the back. 1
(33)For the patient team member who asked for it,
(34)Finally, budae-bokkeum!
(35)I’m in the army.
(36)Please do me a favor.I’d like to order a fried sausage.
(37)Please stir-fry the development army.
(38)a growing drum
(39)There are a lot of people in my team who bother me.
(41)Jongwon Baek
(42)They really wanted to stir-fry the troops.
(43)Finally, I’m going to make you stir-fried sausage.
(44)Four Jongwon Baek PAIK JONG WON fixed it.
(45)After a year of hard work, thank you for the weekly recipe.god
(46)Your wish came true.
(47)314 thousand square meters
(48)60 replies.

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