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The reason why I have fewer friends as I become an adult.


The reason why I have fewer friends as I become an adult.

image text translation

(1)Ask me.
(2)But the group I met during my school years…
(3)When we grow up and get close to each other,
(4)I don’t think so.
(5)This is common because
(6)Ask me anything.
(7)When I was young, my ego wasn’t complete yet.
(8)I don’t know who I am. I just hang out.
(9)We naturally formed a group.
(10)Ask me.
(11)As you get older, your ego gets stronger.
(12)Ask me.
(13)You get to know each other as your ego gets stronger.
(14)This person is not my cup of tea.
(15)I’m not comfortable with him.
(16)Oh, look.
(17)I’m getting to know this more.
(18)The relationship when it comes is much more important.
(19)When I was a teenager, my ego…
(20)Most of them are friends.Looking at it…
(21)Even if there’s something that doesn’t fit or uncomfortable, I force it to fit.
(22)I don’t know how uncomfortable it is.
(23)You don’t know or you don’t make an argument.
(25)I held it in and adjusted it.
(26)When you start working,
(27)There will be more important things besides friends.
(28)My friend’s position decreased.
(29)I’m going to use my energy like I did in the past.
(30)After I became an adult,
(31)If it doesn’t fit, of course it’s better not to watch it.
(32)I don’t know if I have to use all my energy to match it.

The reason why I have fewer friends as I become an adult.

image text translation

(1)Muto Uyu 2023-02-10 142445987170
(2)Best 1
(3)I think it’s better to have a love-hate relationship with friends. Move 5.
(4)Muto Uyu 2023-02-10 142552
(5)If it fits too well, it deepens when it goes wrong for a moment. But if it’s love and hate, I’ll go back to sleep.
(6)Tilindemann 2023-02-1021315937970
(7)Best 2
(8)In general, it seems to be something that I can relate to. Until my teens, it was fun to do anything together, and I could endure even if my friends crossed the line, but after the military, those who crossed the line were sorted out. Move 1.


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