the prosecutor’s office embarrassed for trying to tame the police.

the prosecutor's office embarrassed for trying to tame the police.

image text translation

(1)9 Law enforcement that has been prosecuted illegally but is legitimate
(2)It is not an abuse of authority.
(3)Daegu Gangbuk Police Station Drug Investigation Team
(4)May 2022.
(5)the head of a drug ring
(6)Thai AMI investigation
(7)a charge of narcotics
(8)an application for an arrest warrant
(9)the arrest of Mr. A
(10)a lack of vindication
(11)It was done without a warrant.
(12)an illegal arrest
(13)assault on a criminal suspect
(14)Q. Report to KBS.
(15)1 to 5 years of suspension of qualification
(16)The arrest of a current offender in violation of the Immigration Control Act is legal ▶ Justifiable acts in preparation for unexpected situations using physical force.
(17)It’s not an abuse of authority.
(18)9 Neglecting a suspected drug offender even after being aware of it is a police dereliction of duty.
(19)Dae-kwang Dae-gu District Court Press Judge
(20)A public official who is responsible for crime prevention and suppression at the risk of police life and the body shall,
(21)♥ It is considered illegal in the course of business.
(22)I decided that I should be careful when it comes to punishment.
(23)Court No. 5
(24)Moon Ki-young, CEO of the Daegu Police Agency’s Public Officials’ Workplace Council.
(25)Our staff on the field will be of great help.
(26)I’m going to work harder because of course.
(27)I believe that the benefits are all part of the

The police caught a foreign drug offender.

Prosecutors charged that it was a graft assault

It was a dangerous situation that could result in jail time.

The timing was not long after Han Dong-hoon was acquitted of the graft assault.

The prosecutor’s power drive is crazy.

If he’s found guilty, the drug investigation will be stopped.

Foreign drug dealers play on the police’s head.

The prosecution pushed ahead with these charges to show that they were above the police.

But the judge’s verdict is all innocent.

On the contrary, the police should not neglect such a situation.

Inven perm

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