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A self-inflicted blackmailer who ripped off 2,700 for female drivers only.


A self-inflicted blackmailer who ripped off 2,700 for female drivers only.

A self-inflicted blackmailer who ripped off 2,700 for female drivers only.
image text translation

(1)a back road in Busan
(2)A woman looks around, looks into her cell phone, waits for something.
(3)After a while, as the car approaches, he bumps into himself.
(4)The woman shakes her wrist as if she has a sore wrist as the vehicle stops with the hazard lights on.
(5)She asked for a settlement, said she had an accident, and she went to the hospital and called herself a pregnant woman.
(6)The driver didn’t even check the X-ray where he was injured.
(7)It’s 10 mahwi gurnes.

A self-inflicted blackmailer who ripped off 2,700 for female drivers only.
image text translation

(1)But the fact that this woman in her 30s was injured was never pregnant.
(2)On the back roads of Busan, Jeonju, and Gwangju, only female driving vehicles were selected and the so-called wrist-hitting technique was used to intentionally bump the wrist or ankle.
(3)He tricked himself into being pregnant and demanded an agreement on the spot to make it easy.
(4)I was conscious of being caught by the police.
(5)From 2018 to October last year, I collected 27 million won 103 times.
(6)The victim reported a traffic accident on the way to and from the police station.

A self-inflicted blackmailer who ripped off 2,700 for female drivers only.
image text translation

(1)Yoo Nam-gyu, traffic investigation team at Wansan Police Station in Jeonju.
(2)When you come to the police for questioning and when you go, there’s a fraud.
(3)The police booked the woman without detention on charges of violating the Insurance Fraud Prevention Act.


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