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Battalion commander’s story while on duty at the guard post.


Battalion commander's story while on duty at the guard post.

image text translation

(1)It was during the time when we focused on counter-terrorism.
(2)They rolled around even in the early morning, so it was when I was very sensitive.
(3)I was told to stand fast at the guard post.
(4)I was standing like this.
(5)After I drove this car,
(6)Stop, stop, raise your hand. If you move, I’ll shoot you!
(7)an inexperienced place in the dark language
(8)the next battalion commander
(9)I left my phone charger.
(10)Let me check your pass. I’m doing it.
(11)He came in light clothes and didn’t even bring his wallet. It’s probably in his military uniform.
(12)Even if you’re a battalion commander, I can’t let you through without a dark horse or a pass.
(13)He wanted to call me.
(14)If you’re going to ask the unit in secret,
(15)I’ll report to the DSC that Amgoor is on the radio.
(16)Battalion commander Deepbuck.
(17)You can borrow the charger from your family.
(18)Open the door, you punks!
(19)I’m the only one using Galaxy at home, so I don’t have a charger!
(20)All my family members say they use an iPhone.
(21)He was approaching me.
(22)Stop, stop, stop. We’ll fire when we get any closer.
(23)I was just going to stop here.
(24)We know each other’s faces anyway. You’re the battalion commander.
(25)I was wondering if he could have been a face-off spy.
(26)And the battalion commander is going to go to the guard post without any makeup.
(27)I don’t know if you’re crazy about acting.
(28)I heard a bang.
(29)a shell case(Laughs) (Laughs)
(30)And I pressed the emergency bell. (Laughs)
(31)Suddenly, there’s a buzzing sound.
(32)96k is radio-iod. They’re asking if there’s a show of hands situation.
(33)So I said I looked like a show of hands.
(34)At that time, the commander of the party was a war maniac.
(35)You said the corps came down to make a show of hands, and when there was a show of hands.
(36)Don’t miss it. I want you to be tied up immediately.
(37)So, one seed.(Laughs) (Laughs)
(38)I’m so into it.
(39)Get down on the battalion commander!(Laughs) (Laughs)
(40)The battalion commander must have realized something was wrong then.
(41)He was lying down while doing that.
(42)So when I approached him,
(43)Are you Major Lee XX on duty today?
(44)Yes, I think so.
(45)Oh, my God.
(46)(Laughs) (Laughs)
(47)That’s why I pretended to be holding him.
(48)Oh Daeki stopped sleeping and ran.
(49)I’ll arrest the battalion commander and hand him over to the cell phone.
(50)I’ll give you a battery charger.(Laughs)
(51)I was so sick.
(52)The very next day, our battalion commander…
(53)The battalion commander next to me is on his stomach.
(54)You said there was…
(55)They were like, “Who is it?”
(56)The adverbial touch with me.
(57)He said I did a good job. He gave me 4 nights.(Laughs) (Laughs)


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