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The manager next door grabbed me by the collar.


The situation at the company was a bit…

The boss ran away.

The company is a mess.

But I thought I needed to do something, so I wanted to save the company.High

I’m doing all sorts of things.

the department next to everything

The chief’s going to tackle him.

No, but I’m still the director of the division.

I have a lot of department heads.

Even if you have a lot of experience,

No, my company life…

It’s not like you can do it with your own experience.

It’s not everything you do.

On top of that, the manager…

You pooped in a dirty way.

I’ve done everything I can.

Well, you’re handsome.

He always says he’s going to lead.

If I do as he says,

away from the centipede department

I thought my department would be in charge, too.

And then…

It’s called HSD project.

I need to do a really important project.

During the meeting, he crossed the line and said useless things.

I said something.

I saw all the team leaders in the other departments.

He’s grabbing me by the collar.

But I don’t have the authority to replace him.


Still, one of our team members

The manager of the next department…

You grabbed me by the collar.

I took a picture.

The manager next door grabbed me by the collar.

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