12 years older than me txt

12 years older than me txt

image text translation

(1)Was it in high school or college?
(2)In my dreams, I was outside the door, someone was playing the piano inside, I was wearing a school uniform, and I was just wearing my own clothes. I don’t remember my face at all, but I was very young. I felt like I was a year or two younger now.
(3)I would secretly hide and watch, and when I made eye contact with the girl inside, she would tell me to come here, and I’d be happy to sit on her lap.
(4)When I go to a restaurant or watch TV, when I hear piano sounds, I think of the dream and feel emotional and sentimental. Maybe it’s because I have the same dream too often.
(5)I used to watch a lot of animated films when I was young.
(6)I don’t remember, but there was an impressive scene, so I wondered if my emotions were coming up.
(7)When I’m with my friends, sometimes,
(8)As a joke, I played with my friends and said, “Why are you crying?”
(9)As I was busy and stressed out about getting a job, those dreams, emotional, and sentimental things decreased.
(10)Then, on my way home from work this Monday, I suddenly remembered that scene again. This time, I was so emotional that I stopped the car for a while and cried for about 30 minutes before I got home.
(11)This time, it’s a little weird, but it’s so vivid, and she and I talk, and there’s something I do.
(12)I was fine, but suddenly I wondered what’s wrong, so I was spacing out all day.
(13)I was talking to my mom on the phone yesterday, and my mom…
(14)I’m the son of a rich family. I used to joke around like this a lot.
(15)I was joking. My mom told me that I had an older sister.
(16)My mom was really surprised and asked me if I remember.
(17)So I was flustered and explained the scene that I wrote down, and my mom took it seriously and told me to come home, so I went home.
(18)Listening to my mom and dad, I thought I was just a late kid.
(19)There was an older sister who was 12 years older than me.
(20)I’m good at playing the piano.
(21)She likes me more than my mom because I’m the only younger sister she has.
(22)I guess he said so.
(23)The scene that I dreamed of is my house and my sister’s room.
(24)My mother and father work together, so I’ve been hanging out with my sister since I was young.
(25)I heard that I followed her and liked her so much.
(26)When I was in elementary school, my sister went to heaven because of a car accident.
(27)I was so shocked that I fainted after crying and woke up.
(28)I heard you cried and passed out for days.
(29)I don’t know if I couldn’t stand the shock, but the memory of you…
(30)I heard that I couldn’t do it.
(31)The doctor says it was psychogenic amnesia.
(32)Maybe it’s worse for me to recover from amnesia.
(33)So I moved. I hid all my pictures of my sister. For me, my sister.
(34)He said he hid traces of.
(35)One day, he remembered and lost it again.
(36)When I heard that, moving out of nowhere…
(37)I don’t even have a few childhood photos of me at home.
(38)Every time you see the piano on TV, your dad says he doesn’t like the piano.
(39)When you turn around and eat out, you never go to a restaurant with a good atmosphere.
(40)I understood her behavior.
(41)So I thought about you all day after taking a leave of absence today.
(42)She said she doesn’t remember.
(43)When I watch a movie, I suddenly remember everything.
(44)I only remember the scene where I dreamt about myself.
(45)I remember you were there.
(46)But I don’t remember any of the things you did to me.
(47)I only remember the feelings that I loved you a lot.
(48)I liked sitting on my sister’s lap. She pats me on the head.
(49)I only remember being better.
(50)I’m sorry to you.Radish
(51)I’ve loved you so much. I’ve loved you so much.
(52)I didn’t get 100 million hearts.
(53)I can’t think of it even if I try to remember it now.
(54)I’ve lost my sister many times in my life.
(55)I am so sorry that
(56)I might lose what I remember now.
(57)I write down “Gadrip” to keep a record of what Jongnae wrote.
(58)Even if I try to write down my cell phone and computer diary somewhere,
(59)I might lose my sister again, but I miss her so much.
(60)I’m doing it.
(61)I’m sorry. I miss you. I love you so much.


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