Current status of male high school seniors who were expelled for sexual harassment of female teachers.

Current status of male high school seniors who were expelled for sexual harassment of female teachers.

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(1)Sexual harassment during teacher evaluation, high school senior Sejong student expelled from school – Hankyoreh
(2)2023125 – A third-year student at a high school in Sejong who sexually harassed a female teacher by referring to the body parts of a female teacher during the teacher evaluation was expelled. Sejong City
(3)Sejong A High School Student Anonymous Teacher Evaluation System Bad
(4)Sexual harassment of a female teacher – Good Morning Chungcheong
(5)2022 124 – Good Morning Chungcheong Reporter Park Soo-bin, A High School in Sejong City, caused sexual harassment damage to teachers, prompting the local education community to come up with improvement measures. The sexual harassment case was anonymous.

Current status of male high school seniors who were expelled for sexual harassment of female teachers.

image text translation

(1)(2)And accusation of a case of inducing money transactions>
(3)Please check the full text of the image.
(4)1 The student who sexually harassed the teacher’s evaluation tried to sell the paid file for posting the personal information of Sejong City High School students on his personal blog in September 2022. The school closed the case and it was revealed that many of the victims, senior high school students, finished the case without informing the current graduates of the damage and punishing the perpetrator. Please check the full text of the first image attached above for details.Reporters, in particular, please refer to the full text of the image and write an article.
(5)2 After learning that the student who posted the personal information was a student who wrote the teacher evaluation sexual harassment, the teacher Ko sent a complaint to the Sejong City Office of Education asking for an audit of the case and how it was handled internally.
(6)1 First response to a complaint
(7)2 Complaints filed
(8)3 The final answer from the Office of Education
(9)additional criminal circumstances
(10)(11)Complaints against online posting of classmates’ personal information and inducing money transactions.>
(12)1 This case is separate from the teacher evaluation sexual harassment case, and the high school teachers reported it to the school’s student register when they found the personal information online, but they quietly passed it without punishing the victim for posting their name on the blog.Refer to the attached image of the Twitter public debate account.
(13)2 The case was not publicized on campus, and most of the six sexual harassment victims, including the account holder of the teacher evaluation sexual harassment damage, learned about the blog distribution case for the first time this time. High school seniors who are victims of online distribution are still unaware of their damage.
(14)3 As far as I know, it has not been officially investigated whether the paid full version file money transaction was made through the attachment of the blog image or mail posted by the perpetrator on the blog.The teacher who found the article on the Internet and reported it to the student department was organizing the computer files, and found the screen capture file obtained as evidence at the time and shared it to the sexual harassment victim teacher.
(15)4 After the police identified suspects of teacher evaluation sexual harassment by 20221201~26, the victims of sexual harassment found out that the offender of the blog student distribution case and the author of the teacher evaluation sexual harassment were the same students. The blog post was deleted and could not be filed because the evidence screen could not be found, but the report was made possible as of February 2023 due to a report from a fellow teacher who found the capture screen at the time.
(16)5 The expulsion of a student who sexually harassed a teacher evaluation was not just a violation of the teacher’s authority. The reason for expulsion by the teacher’s authority protection committee clearly states two violations of school rules committed by the perpetrator.The other one will be revealed through the show soon.
(17)6 Teacher Assessment As a teacher who taught students as a high school teacher, I condemn the fact that many good students don’t know that their personal information has been posted online and that their personal information has become a tool for money transactions, and that a student who committed a crime has gone unpunished and committed a bigger crime. Not only did the school not properly investigate the damage and rescue the victims because the school did not discuss the issue, but students who sexually harassed teachers missed the opportunity to be punished and led and committed more serious crimes. This is the responsibility of the school administrators, including the vice principal of the student department, who has the right to make decisions on school violence and student crime issues at these schools that were reported at the time. We should take the responsibility for not informing the victims of the damage and, above all, passing the perpetrator without punishment.
(18)I am attaching an image of the blog capture screen where the personal information of the 7th high school students was posted, and the contents of the request for audit and the response of the complaint of the education office that was recently submitted to the Sejong City Office of Education.Attached to Twitter’s public debate account as tarae.
(19)Personal information file for 2nd year high school students.
(20)We share files containing the personal information and various information of the 2nd generation of public general high school graduates based on Sejong City.
(21)This file is for free distribution.
(22)Of course, the last letter of the name was kept private for personal information protection.
(23)Mixed class of 27 students in 3rd grade class, Japanese class.
(24)12 students in liberal arts, about 4444 students in natural sciences, about 13 students in 4815.
(25)About 741 people.
(27)If you give me just the money, I will give you the paid full version file.^^ won only
(28)Mail inquiry molae0720 navercom
(29)If you give me only KRW, I will give you the paid full version file.Only ^^
(30)Molae0720 navercom Mail Inquiry
(31)a mere ten thousand won
(32)Email inquiry
(33)2nd year high school students born in 2004 Free of charge distribution
(34)2nd year high school student born in 2004 Free distribution sdock
(35)There are two types of file types attached.This font is…
(36)Dowork cx is rarely broken Sdocx is an optimized Samsung Note file.What is it’s…
(37)Office of Education’s answer
(38)View previous answers
(39)- Hello, I’m Kim Je-cheon, a scholarship officer at the Sejong Special Self-Governing City Office of Education. First of all, thank you for your interest and love for the development of Sejong education.
(40)I’ll give you my answer.
(41)I am responding to your request.Odang O High School – The first distribution of personal information is understood as a request for countermeasures against the attempt to distribute personal information to classmates of ○○ High School seniors, and the following is
(43)먼저 First of all, the Office of Education will share the contents of the complaint you filed with the school.
(44)● Next is the answer.
(45)At the same time as the city’s signature was located, he reported it to the school police officer by phone, and a lawyer belonging to the Office of Education was also involved in the case.
(46)sharing one’s
(47)Second, as a result of the investigation, the period of holding was short, the number of inquiries per issue was about 3-4 times, and the result of checking the student’s account was
(48)There is no transaction history related to the case, so it is judged that there is no victim student.
(49)- Third, contrary to the student union’s own behavior, the parents of the security office visited the school and interviewed the student in charge of the school’s affairs. The head of the living department, students, and parents
(50)With repeated apologies, the student’s statement contains information related to preventing recurrence and concludes with discipline.
(51)- The fourth year’s student’s very inward-looking personality at the time of the survey and the method of judging the examinee who has about a month left before the CSAT.
(52)In consideration of the personality, etc., the promise to prevent recurrence and discipline are the most educational matters handled by the student according to the disciplinary action.
(53)The following disciplinary action shall be taken by the head of a school with the authority of Article 18 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act:
(54)In some cases, he seems to have disciplined or otherwise instructed the student.○ Lastly, I would like to say that there may be a department in charge of Minju City, the department in charge of this complaint. In the case of this case, the guidance method for the student shall be provided.
(55)weak against recurrence with
(56)The Audit and Inspection Department of the school shares the issue and the auditor is not authorized. Therefore, the Office of Education will be able to audit
(57)I would like to ask for a review on whether or not. grateful
(58)To be informed that the audit will decide.
(59)Are you satisfied with the process of handling complaints?
(60)If you have a complaint about the process of handling civil complaints, select a reason and lack of understanding of the civil complaints.
(61)Please give it to me.
(62)Has the complaint you applied for been resolved?
(63)One more thing.
(64)The investigation agency did not deliver the explanation of the cause of the school’s explanation, but rather whether the school’s explanation was true, as all of the school’s contents were recognized.
(65)In Suwon, where the student’s statement and the guardian’s private citizen alone will be the answer to the exact facts through the previous transaction.
(66)The Office of Education asked for an audit and re-investigation of any evidence that there was a department. the name of the school’s dishwasher
(67)There isn’t.
(68)Sejong Special Self-Governing City Office of Education, Sejong Special Self-Governing City Office of Education Policy Division of Democratic Citizen Education Division
(69)Processing reception number agency
(70)Contact Person
(71)Expected processing date
(72)민원 It is usually 7 or 14 days from the date of receipt of the final complaint handling agency. The period that will vary according to the relevant statutes handling the relevant civil complaint is
(73)I can do that.

Current status of male high school seniors who were expelled for sexual harassment of female teachers.

image text translation

(1)Q Final answer content
(2)0 Currently, the Democratic Citizens’ Education Division, which is in charge of this complaint, does not have the authority to audit the school and determine whether it is necessary to audit it.Therefore, I will share the matter with the department auditor in charge of the audit at the Office of Education and ask him to review whether the audit is necessary. Once again, the audit department decides whether to audit or not. The complaint will be shared with the audit department.
(3)Contents of answer
(4)○ We ask for your understanding for not giving a sufficient answer to the complainant. If you have any further questions, please call 044-320-2421, Kim Je-cheon Scholarship, Department of Democratic Citizenship Education, and we will answer with all our heart.
(5)Completion of the application form for attachment.
(6)Public debate on sexual harassment damage in teacher evaluation
(7)Cyber defamation and insult whereisourright – follow
(8)(9)Distributing personal information and inducing money transactions among classmates
(10)Case accusation> Please check the full image.
(11)1 Students who sexually harassed teachers in teacher evaluation
(12)In September 2022, I posted the personal information of Sejong High School students on my personal blog and tried to sell paid files for money. The school closed the case and moved on.

I posted the personal information of students from the same school on my personal blog.

It was revealed during the investigation, and the school covered up the case.

Don’t let students know their personal information was stolen.

Current status of male high school seniors who were expelled for sexual harassment of female teachers.
image text translation

(1)ESTENANNABE 2023-02-05 2934435 70
(2)Best 1
(3)The leaves of the rice cake are rotten and ruined. Wow, that kind of thing is a stone to society.
(4)I’m scared to think that I’m going around. Move.
(5)Grilled Orange 2023-02-05 2035336070
(6)Oh, it was trash. Move 1.
(7)Best 3
(8)I don’t know if he’s reliable, or if the school’s top guys are doing their jobs,
(9)Move 5 to see if you’re not doing it or not.

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