A case that the judge says will be remembered greatly in life.jpg

A case that the judge says will be remembered greatly in life.jpg

image text translation

(1)U-Kiss system
(2)A child who gave up middle school and ran away from home with three friends and was tried for habitual theft.
(3)24463 oat?
(4)He was arrested for stealing without being present at trial.
(5)Three friends who were sentenced to No. 10.
(6)What is this quiz?
(7)”This kid, too.”
(8)I need to be punished for No.
(9)A girl who was diagnosed with pregnancy during an examination by the juvenile classification examination agency and stated that she was pregnant after being sexually assaulted.
(10)something in chapter 6
(11)The girl expressed her intention to have an abortion.
(12)I demand that you be sent home.
(13)But the girl’s statement that was a lie.
(14)The pregnancy was due to sexual intercourse with a friend who ran away from home together.
(15)It’s a quiz.
(16)It’s a deep concern.
(17)Is it Jeju Jocheonri language?
(18)In the conscience of the judge, if you’re going to punish No. 10,
(19)It doesn’t fall under the reason for abortion.
(20)A girl who’s underage.
(21)You give birth to a child that you don’t want.
(22)The 35th episode of “Something in the Rain”!
(23)If I send him home with my dad’s heart,
(24)It’s a situation where you’s acquiescence.
(25)Depending on the disposition, the girl’s life…
(26)a situation in which the life of the fetus in the womb is at stake
(27)something of the 65th president
(28)I thought about it for a month.
(29)a sleepless affair
(30)463 Judge Ussou.
(31)after much consideration
(32)on the conscience of a judge
(33)Squeeze! 463 What is it?
(34)Judgment on Disposition No. 10
(35)something abandoned
(36)She’s almost nine months pregnant.
(37)a call from a juvenile detention center
(38)U-quiz! 463 times. What is it?
(39)It’s almost time for the baby to be born.
(40)They’re going to change the protective measures.
(41)What is “yu”?
(42)I’ll let you know I’m meeting a child who’s almost a month old.
(43)So I’m sorry.
(44)I can’t let go of my apologies.
(45)a baggy jacket
(46)Many people who were in court at the time
(47)I cried because of him.
(48)the full name of a movable property.
(49)I felt so bad for her father.
(50)Uquis 465 What is it?
(51)the third definition of something
(52)He’s such a gentleman that he can’t say anything.
(53)”I’m going to make a wrap for my kid.
(54)He just put it in his mouth.”
(55)Before and after the judge of something due to the U-quiz system.
(56)”I was so sorry”.
(57)I’ve never had that incident in my life.
(58)It’s going to be the most memorable.
(59)Youker 463 What is it?
(60)a girl who sent her baby for adoption
(61)What is the definition given?
(62)The girl who was tried for the rest of her life.
(63)I’ll remember my adopted child.
(64)the 63rd something
(65)The adopted child…
(66)They’re probably curious who it is. Mogabu.
(67)Calling Judge Jeon Hyun-moo
(68)It’s heartbreaking that we made such a connection.”Tooth
(69)Roger that.


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