Ssek, ssek, ssek, ssek.

Ssek, ssek, ssek, ssek.

image text translation

(1)Monthly Defense Times C

Ssek, ssek, ssek, ssek.

image text translation

(1)The average soldier’s gonna have sex while he’s googling.
(2)a military forest
(3)Paige is good.
(4)February 14th, 50450
(5)Recently, while traveling, soldiers brought bags and guns.
(6)I saw him running, and he said, “Sex. What does this mean? My friend and I heard that and I wondered if he was seeing a civilian woman. It was ridiculous and funny.
(7)7297 comments and 63 shared comments.
(8)Three, good.
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(10)Search, search, search, and rescue. ①03773
(11)View 381 previous replies
(12)Comments. S and B.(Laughs) (Laughs)

I think it’s time to cool down, so I’m rehashing it.

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