Only Koreans can understand it.

Only Koreans can understand it.

image text translation

(1)Only Koreans can recognize it, so I feel bad for you.Hika Sea Ikebukuro Station
(2)It’s not going to be funny for 30 seconds again, but it’s very old, and there’s no elevator, so if you have a lot of luggage, it’s Kkaekkoshing.
(3)It’s very red and Hwajang is very old.
(4)Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
(5)Ochima-ssi for a girl when she gains weight!
(6)Don’t just be a sucker for old-fashioned, old-fashioned!
(7)I think we should just look at the Korean garden – This
(8)- This sensation swagests that the bath room is in front of condition.
(9)This sensation seeds to be a warning or…
(10)It’s just that the place is dry and it’s just that’s all you have to protect.

It appears that the text is written in informal Korean and some of the sentences contain slang or dialect-specific expressions Here is my attempt at interpreting some of the sentences

This sensation means It says like you need to be a Korean to understand this review.

Translation This sentence must be Korean to understand this review.

Mr. Hika, it’s close enough to take 30 seconds to get to Ikebukuro Station, but mugwort saw is very backward, there’s no elevator, and it’s on the fourth floor – This sense provisions some information about the location of the place being reviewed It shows to be around Bukuro Station and the writer only takes about 30 seconds with them.n the fourth floor

Translation This sentence provides information about the location of the place under review. It seems to be near Bukuro Station and it only takes about 30 seconds to get there, the author notes. However, the site is described as very dilapidated, with no elevators and located on the fourth floor.

This sensation swagests that the bath room is in front of condition.

Translation This sentence indicates that the bathroom is in poor condition

끄래씨 똥 역화짬씰까씨 쌌씁니따 – This sentence is difficult to interpret without more context It seems to involve a person named Kkurae and some kind of situation involving dung and train schedules

Translation This sentence is difficult to interpret without context. There seems to have been some kind of situation involving a man named Kurae and poop and train schedules.

찔 때 여기로 오찌마씨요! – This sentence seems to be a warning or recommendation to come here when something happens However the expression 오찌마 is not clear to me and may be a dialect-specific term

Translation This sentence seems to be a warning or suggestion to come here when something happens. However, the expression Ochima is not clear to me and may be a dialect-specific term.

뜨럽고 낡고 끼만을 지켜야 하는 뿐입니다 – This sentence suggests that the place is not very good and that the only thing to do is to put up with its flaws The word 끼 likely refers to various issues or problems

Translation This sentence suggests that the place is not very good and that enduring its shortcomings is the only way. The word “pull” means various problems or problems.

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