a woman who has sexually transmitted diseases while having an affair

a woman who has sexually transmitted diseases while having an affair

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(1)View as an app
(2)♡ We broke up
(3)Krawaroral 16031629626
(4)I’ve never thought of being loved from the beginning.
(5)I was worried because he was sick, but he didn’t pick up the phone and said he was drinking with his friends who picked up at 1 a.m.
(6)I couldn’t meet him for a week and then I slept, and I immediately saw Gonji and hpv, and the dangerous group came up, and he said he would give me something good. LOL.
(7)When I was drinking with my friends a few times, he called me and said, “Some day,
(8)I didn’t tell you where the turn was and what I didn’t say anything.
(9)He calls me once a day at night and sleeps at home.
(10)They told me to go, but there are so many days when I just slept.
(11)I often go to bars with girls, and I have a lot of hotel lighters. I’ve seen some of them at home.
(12)I didn’t worry even if I was tired or sick. I just pretended to be busy trying to stop contacting you.
(13)I’ve tried hard to change people because they’re so pathetic and pessimistic.
(14)I was worried by myself, and I wanted to express what I wanted to say. Whether it’s good or bad, I held it in.
(15)When I was tired a few times and asked to break up with him, he said I was a weird person, and he grabbed me again and this time, you should leave me, who I don’t like this time.” He did this.
(16)That was yesterday. I waited for him to finish his appointment at home, but he didn’t come even at 2 a.m. and kept dreaming bad things. He said he was scared because he was going to come out. He said he was a fool. He said he was upset, annoyed, and sad.
(17)I just cried while crying.
(18)I need to know how precious and affectionate I met you. Whenever you said you wanted to go out with another girl and sleep with a girl like this, I needed to know how I laughed and responded. When did you come? I thought you were ripping me off. You told me that you wouldn’t meet a good person.
(19)I tore up all the letters I wrote and packed all my stuff in the early morning.
(20)I took a taxi home.
(21)I’m sure you had a drink with a girl last night.
(22)I just went on a date once. I woke up and…
(23)I went home many times without eating. I came to pick you up just once.
(24)He’s just as rude to me as I’ve been to him. He doesn’t know what he’s doing, he doesn’t know where he’s going.
(25)I had nightmares until this morning, and I wished you bad luck. I didn’t want to block the aftermath, but I hope it comes.
(26)And while I was writing this, I got a call asking if you were working.
(27)He’s shaking like a fool. But it won’t go back.
(28)Then, I feel so sorry for him.
(29)Never meet a married man.
(30)Whether he’s married or separated, he’s married and he has kids.
(31)No matter how good you are and how much you like her, your number one priority is…
(32)It can never be.
(33)I knew it from the beginning, but…
(34)I don’t know why you hung yourself up so much.
(35)Because I liked him a lot.
(36)I didn’t have a place to talk about it, so I wrote it down.
(37)Comments 3388.
(38)Chain up just now NChained
(39)I didn’t intend to meet a married man, but I was suddenly advised.
(41)(Laughs)What are you talking about when your family breaks down?
(42)You have to go to the library tomorrow. Just now, N.
(43)Get a hold of yourself.
(44)All N Banggeum Maru Steel
(45)g○○ It’s spring.
(46)N Money Station
(47)It’s a spring.
(48)View all comments ②
(49)Another comment from “Aimabang”.
(50)I was over the age of being dumped, but I caught it just before, so I couldn’t catch it…Month
(51)We broke up 3388 words.
(52)Tell me what you’re going to do if you’re a girl.
(53)After menstruation, I get light inflammation and acne on my butt.
(54)My boyfriend is Kijun’s female student, 20!
(55)The moment I want to share with you right now.
(56)Installing a cafe app ☆ Top of page


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