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Someone who doesn’t want to eat someone else’s poop.


Someone who doesn't want to eat someone else's poop.

image text translation

(1)I don’t want to eat shit and corpses from people in their 20s and 30s.
(2)I can’t wait to kill myself.
(3)We went to the poop septic tank, filtered it out, and went back to the sea.
(4)They’re discharged and we know we’re eating it.
(5)People illegally burn dead bodies in the sea, sidewalks just push them into the river and throw them away.
(6)The case of secretly discharging poop from a pig barn happened in Korea.
(7)It’s a good thing that human poop is filtered out of the septic tank, but the bad barn secretly releases the poop, and the area smells.
(8)Pigs eat the disgusting mws that we threw away.
(9)They’re picking their noses, peeing, washing their hands, and rummaging through the spoon and chopsticks at the restaurant.
(10)This world is so gross and disgusting.
(11)What are you talking about?
(12)It’s all true.
(13)It’s not like we’re going to make purified water with seawater.
(14)No matter what life you live, you will be unhappy.
(15)The problem seems to be to recognize that dirt is forever and focus on it or think obsessively about it. It’s a world of germs and microorganisms, so it’s inevitable that it’s dirty. If you don’t understand and accept the cycle of nature, you’ll be just unhappy as you say above.
(16)The cycle is disgusting.
(17)The concept is that the cycle is disgusting, and it would be better if you accepted the scientific principles of the cycle. Science recommends reading books on microorganisms and bacteriology.
(18)I think I need to go to a little hospital.
(19)Then how can I wash my face or shower? How can I wash the water because it’s dirty?
(20)It’s a good thing you spray it on your body, because we drink that water.
(21)Oh, yeah; let’s get hurt. Then, when you brush your teeth, you hold the water.
(22)hospital plasticity
(23)I think you should go to the hospital.
(24)(Laughs) (Laughs)
(25)The hospital is the hospital.
(26)Like that.
(27)If you boil water and drink it, germs will die.
(28)It was purified in the urine and poop, went to the sea, and went to the water intake facility.
(29)It was “Who Are You”?
(30)If it’s germ-free water, it’s clean, but it’s someone’s pee.
(31)Let’s go to the hospital. You look tired.
(32)So I ate something today.
(33)Why is this so funny?
(34)(Laughs) LOL, I’m going crazy.
(35)Go to the mineral spring and get some water.
(36)If life is unhappy and makes Chinah unpleasant or distressing,
(37)So that it’s heavy and poker-hashing.
(38)I think it’s dirty, but I don’t think about it in my daily life or in the articles.
(39)a dirty incident on the Internet that could cause a fire.
(40)I’ll focus more on it, dig more, and I’ll be the body of my life.
(41)I think I need to refresh my mind.
(42)I don’t have an appetite, so I don’t eat well. Especially, I can’t drink water because it’s dirty.
(43)And then the bird…
(44)She doesn’t go to the bathroom.
(45)I’m also eating poop. Let’s eat together.
(46)I can’t believe I’m holding my own spoon and water because it’s dirty.
(47)Shout out loud.
(48)I’ll eat it all deliciously and I’ll use that energy to play the keyboard.
(49)What do you eat?
(50)If you don’t drink water, you don’t drink.
(51)I don’t think I can eat and eat at this rate. Go to the hospital.
(52)She’s still eating poop.
(53)(Laughs) (Laughs)
(54)Buy some water and boil it.
(55)Only a lot of people drank the water from the swindler, and it was disinfected immediately and collected from the sickle.
(56)You know, the water that was filtered last time…
(58)It’s the name of the prosthetic part Samda. It comes from the ground.
(59)It’s Sesammyeon water.
(60)It’s not a water intake. (Laughs) You’re completely mistaken.
(61)The idea of being dirty is that there are too many rumors about making it. Why are you concentrating on the climate crisis? The ability to purify water is the ability to purify dirt is the nail, so it’s not an environmental pollution problem.
(63)Even though it was sour,
(64)one’s feelings
(65)And the sea itself is looking for large-scale water, and humans are bitter and specialized, so the salt is much stronger, but the sea has a serious history.
(66)presence or absence
(67)It’s because it’s bulleted.
(68)And there’s a trash island. It’s true that there’s an environmental problem.
(69)However, even when solving this problem, the conflict-oriented perspective is less than zero.You don’t have to do this.
(70)I think I’m learning, but I’m learning.
(72)The Earth is already polluted. After a few minutes, it’s a bum. More than 8 billion humans, poop.
(73)a body of water
(74)Then, I can’t believe she’s drinking water.
(75)If you fart, poop molecules float in the air, and we inhale them through our noses.
(77)Ckeke <(Laughs) (Laughs)
(78)There’s a lot of trash. I’m going to clean this up with medicine and water that I drink at home.
(79)I’ll make it look like it’
(80)The owner asked me to step out.
(81)How did I use the SUB house because the landlord asked me to leave? Clean Avengers view count 272 scleanavengers.
(83)9 Clean Avengers Only
(84)Sigh. Seriously, what do you want me to do?
(85)I’m going to the hospital.
(86)She’s pooping, too.
(87)But it’s all purified in the septic tank anyway.
(88)L20150 What do you want me to do?


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