Top 3 Marvel Hero Movie Best Scenes by Fans

Spider-Man 2 subway scene.

The best scene in Spider-Man 2, where Marvel is rated as the best movie ever.

The best scene that is always homage to Spider-Man movies that are parodied and later rebooted.

In the Spider-Man movie, everything that prevents Spider-Man from splitting buildings or ships with spider webs is this scene homage.

Im iron man

The scene that marked the great start of Marvel Universe, which dominated the 2010s.

As soon as Iron Man’s character is established, it has a profound influence on the story of Marvel Universe.

Marvel Universe is actually a narrative of the clash of identity and values between Captain America and Iron Man.

The famous scene that started the narrative so beautifully and ended with greatness.

“Avengers: Ambulance”

The 10-year build-up of Marvel Universe was actually built for this scene.

The best scene that took out the extreme level of Maplesong.

And Marvel is dead.

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