image text translation
(1)be unrealistic
(2)(Laughs) (Laughs)
(3)hoy has more staff than commander
(5)speed explainer
(7)It’s still. They’re going to fire.
(8)He’s a big fan of yours.
(9)zxcfgv159 Woltaeng War Thunder teacher.
(10)Tony_kim_italy Fantasy
(11)Marala, please.
(12)It’s a kgw427 monster.
(13)2000 YouTube.
(14)LEE-HYUNG’s wheat cake.
(15)Dang ARALE wheat tteok is convenient and chewy.
(16)It’s different even if you’re a viewer like Kate Choi.
(17)Mustang is smiling while watching the show.
(18)When I was in the unit, Megabrand Miltteok Cook Military Bishop lining lol.
(19)Cutie Tongtong There may be wheat cake among the great commanders, but not all wheat cake is a great commander. Rice cakes are the best.
(20)Not available in European travel practice(Laughs) (Laughs)
(21)Nurungjibang (nurungjibang)
(22)Hanamja Calm Man Wheat Rice Cake
(23)Mandoohong1 Flour rice cake I made rice cake
(24)Imagination of German Plus lol
(25)What’s that, rice cake?
(26)10,000 YouTube videos.
(27)Answer. ARALE wheat tteok is convenient and chewy.
(28)Even if you’re a viewer like Kate Choi,
(29)It’s all different.
(30)If you keep grinning,
(31)I’m watching Seo’s broadcast.
(32)In the past, there was no internet, so Megabrand Milthump Military Academy was inside.
(33)Cutie may be one of the best commanders, but not all wheat cakes are great commanders.
(34)What is that, rice cake?
(35)Genovis’s back is his weakness. (Laughs]
(36)Oriharaitayao tanks are huge.
(37)Junstar507 Everyone knows Mildeok.
(38)a walking millimeter
(39)Lisa’s pancake is ㄷㄷ.
(40)Yoo Dahee is 1/100,000 lol
(41)the sale of bookies
(42)Someone asked if it’s a web novel by Ju Hwanhee.
(43)Cifw 100,000 push-ups.
(44)too YouTube
(45)Megabrand Miltteok Special Military Academy Lining lol Even soldiers don’t know well.
(46)If there’s a war, it’s a device.
(47)It’s bound to be renovated.
(48)Let’s go together. (Laughs) (Laughs)
(49)It’s too hard.
(50)OutPepperChili So you
(51)Kayoung0128 lol
(52)Experience the blue taste in reality.
(53)Oh, I’m frustrated. Imagine you just found out the name of the tank.
(54)Daruha Woltaengdeokhu (Daruha Woltaengdeok)
(55)Psyco Big lol
(56)Based on one out of every 100,000 J.K.I.L.
(58)Ju Hwan-hee’s Web novel development
(60)Daring ARALE wheat rice cake is convenient rice.
(61)It’s chewy.
(62)Even if you’re a viewer like Kate Choi,
(63)Watching Mustang 724 81481482
(64)Megabrand Miltteok Special Military Academy lining lol
(65)Since I’m the situational disease…
(66)50 Cutie Tong may be one of the best commanders, but not all wheat cakes are great commanders, the best wheat cake ever.
(67)If there’s a war, it’s gonna be tweaked.
(68)Let’s go together. (Laughs) (Laughs)
(69)Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science.
(70)It’s too hard.
(71)Kayoung0128 Book Book Book
(72)Oh, it’s frustrating. The tank just now…
(73)the imagination of finding out
(75)Ju Hwanhee’s web novel development. Puppy, puppy, honey.
(76)The wall is a green village.
(77)Mustang, if you keep grinning,
(78)Megabrand came straight to the special envoy’s school.
(79)● There may be wheat cake among the best commanders in Cutie Tongtong, but not all of the best commanders in the early days.
(80)I always draw charts.
(81)It was shocking that a squad leader was a pushover at a training center in Anyang.
(82)It’s too hard. PepperChill. So you…
(83)Experience the blue taste in reality.
(84)Darulha Well’s happiness fan.
(85)Based on one out of every 100,000 J.Kim,
(86)Development of Web Novels for Joy
(87)I don’t know.
(88)Imagining Tank Weaknesses
(89)Let’s do it. (Laughs)
(90)The walls are green, green.
(91)Megabrand Iltteok Special Military Academy lining lol
(92)● There may be wheat cake among the great commanders in Cutie Dong-dong, but not all early good commanders. The best wheat cake ever.
(93)I draw things like this, right?
(94)It was shocking that the squad leader was a pushover at the training center a long time ago.
(95)Experience the board position in real life
(96)Daruhi is a big fan of Woltaeng.
(97)Ao assorted
(98)How many bullets are there?
(99)shjs738 Wheat tteok is a great tteokbokki.
(100)Can it be
(101)Did alseva doesn’t have a wooden wiki.
(102)Megabrand’s straightforward military studies.
(103)The teacher’s eye haha
(104)● Among the great commanders of Cutie Tong Tong
(105)There may be wheat tteok, but all early…
(106)So I thought the range was 250.
(107)He’s not a great commander. He’s the best.
(108)a series of wheat cakes
(109)The squad from the training center.
(110)The intestines were a wheat fan, but it was shocking.
(111)drug and hawks with
(112)Development of Hwanhee Web Novel Co., Ltd.
(114)I’m trying it. Cultivation.
(115)shj538 Wheat tteok is a great tteokbokki.
(116)Te, good bye. Right. Soldiers, go away.
(117)Deng, deng, deng, deng, deng, deng, deng, deng
(118)I draw while looking at the picture of the fighter plane.
(119)I cried.
(120)Megabrand’s special envoy study at once in a while.
(121)I said that the distance wasn’t right.
(122)A long time ago, a squad from a training camp.
(123)One out of every 100,000 people, Twitch, Twitch.
(124)Puppy! Puppy! Puppy! Kya!
(125)CEO assorted
(126)I’m going to try it. The Jaejae.
(127)shi5738 Wheat tteok is a great tteokbokki.
(128)dlddalsey There’s no wooden wiki.
(129)Good bye. Right, soldiers, go home.
(130)Puppy! Puppy! Puppy!
(131)Q I memorized it while looking at the picture of the fighter plane.
(132)There are 320 bullets.
(133)I’m different.
(134)I’m watching Seo’s broadcast.
(135)Megabrand Special Military Academy of Wheat Rice Cake
(136)● Among the great commanders of Cutie Tong Tong
(137)Our company commander opened his eyes wide.
(138)A long time ago, a squad from the training center.
(139)Nakai crocodile that’s T62 land
(140)It’s a big outfit!
(141)Hwanhee Web Novel Development Twitch
(142)Deng, deng, deng, ggul, kka.
(143)I don’t know.
(144)I imagine I’m guessing the tank’s weaknesses. (Laughs)How many bullets are there and shj78 wheat tteok is a great tteokbokki.
(145)dldudalseve There’s no wooden wiki
(146)Puppy honey, puppy honey. Jae Jae Jae Jae Jae Jae.
(147)I’m drawing. I’m looking at the pictures of the fighter jets.
(148)320 bullets. Cho Kang-hyun is stopped. I really don’t know.
(149)Teiji (meaning ‘teiji.
(150)It’s Nanarshi.
(151)● Mustang If you keep grinning
(152)I’m watching Seo’s broadcast.
(153)Megabrand Special Military Academy of Wheat Rice Cake
(154)The school security lol.k.a.a.m. lol.
(155)There could be wheat tteok,
(156)How do you know this?
(157)A long time ago, a squad leader at the training camp was a push-duck, and it was shocking that Nakai crocodile, that T62, was a land.
(158)Q Hwanhee’s web novel development
(159)eo imagine adjusting the weakness of the assorted tank lol how many papapapi bullets can be dense rice cake great tteokbokki silver? dualseva tree wiki is not available
(161)Looking at the picture of the fighter plane, there are 320 single bullets. Really.
(162)Cho Kang Hyun, why are you stopping?
(163)Watching YouTube Mustang with grin continuously watching the show Megabrand wheat cake Special Military Academy
(164)A teacher’s eye lol
(165)● There may be wheat cake among the great commanders of Cutie Tongtong, but it’s all early, not Hwigwan, but rice cake is the best.
(167)The ensuing wheat-tteuk-hallang was shocking to the squad at the training center before, Nakai crocodile, that’s T62.
(168)Who would memorize all that?
(169)The intestines were a wheat fan.
(170)portable international formulation
(171)4zxcfgv159 Good bye I learned a lot wrong Europe trip haha
(172)Department of Science and Technology, Department of Empire.
(173)(Laughs)Golden Olive Daruha
(174)(Laughs)saenoideal ㅋ
(175)Sad balls lol
(176)Export report (Laughs)
(177)K, T.(Laughs)
(178)I CatSoup555 ㄹㅇㅋㅋ잿빛구방과 과 과 과 과과과서양 모든 ㅋㅋ유튜브Megabrand 밀떡 특 사관학ㅋㅋㅋ●큐티통통 훌륭한 지휘관 중에밀떡이 있을 순 있지만 모든 밀 떡 이훌륭한 지휘관은 아니 다쌀떡최고
(179)A long time ago, a squad leader at a training camp was a push-duck, and it was shocking. Nakai crocodile. That’s T62 Dunk!Choi, a good relationship simulation.
(180)That’s not why I was respected.
(181)Are you good at dating?
(182)Twitchokh8066 Painting Snack LOL
(183)I want to eat fruits and fruits and fruits and fruits and fruits and fruits and fruits and fruits. How did you know that the sale of the Numiki ship is a fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit fruit crab lol USA, USA, International, etc.
(184)Science and Technology.
(186)This spy didudalseva9 1juninho0215 lol (Laughs)
(187)Science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science, science.
(188)kjimam ppe123 Are you a spy? r Megabrand YouTube Kyo-ahn lol There may be some excellent command in teatong, but not all wheat cakes are great commanders. 한뜨예전 떡진- 이충격량 억밀분 에62 훈련카이소 나땅이 저것적덕 악어은!입다 T네크이어 팄음어이 에서쌀123감모너최곴는데대장 egㅋㅋㅋ간첩kpej이니p에교안이관관순and지휘im유튜브있지만M이든amab중통밀있을어밀떡아니다밀통훌떡은한훌륭한륭!Of Kate Choi, you like dating simulation games. Are you good at dating?
(189)● Q
(190)I was treated like a weirdo.
(191)(Laughs) (Laughs)
(192)Are you a spy? Ddkgw427? Just draw it.
(193)National Science, National Science, Science and Technology and Science.
(194)Company commander Isemas was surprised, Hwanhee, right? How did you know that?
(195)Condensed milk
(196)DREPPER ZEROSUGAR. I’m flour cake.I don’t know the company commander lol There was a teacher, but IMEL MILLOSH is not a great commander.In the previous training of Miltteukhalyang, the leader was Miltudeok, but it was shocking. Nakai medicine and that’s T62 Dulk mouth!Kate Choi, are you good at dating because you’re a good couple?— Wow, seasoned chicken wheat lovers go to the army.
(198)in a squadron
(199)Oh, why? Why?
(200)Ohm Mustang after being educated lol
(201)Isemas Company commander, surprised Hwanhee, right? Banana milk flour rice cake. How did you know? (Laughs) DRPEPPER_ZEROSUGAR I’m the flour cake. 4 I don’t know the company commander lol What’s the name of the course lol What’s that? Sipdeok Amikiho Eisbakdal-dong was disappointed at that time. How do you know the shellfish girl? Officer doesn’t memorize things like that, but the squad leader pushed me at the training center a long time ago, and that was shocking T-kai’s T-kai!Kate Choi likes dating simulation games. Are you good at dating? Wow. Seasoned chicken wheat lovers are educated when they go to the army. Mustang 99 in shape.
(202)a house of one dog
(203)It’s not a practical story.
(204)Where the teacher was. (Laughs) (Laughs)Captain Park Dal-bong, the ace of the Sibdeok Amikiho, was disappointed.Calm shell girl How do you know a man lol Even an officer of Mons doesn’t do that. Cat lotus spy ikgw427 liver spy. Shirius9 ordinary people and Gaegul Cave wheat cake. Is it Jihoi 4? (Laughs)Flying Black Woo, you’re a flour cake shiningeast. It’s just a gun.
(208)You-tube-baked wheat-tteuk-ryang. In the past, the market was a wheat-tteuk-deok at the smoke training center, and it was shocking. Nakai crocodile. That’s T62 dunk!Kate Choi, are you good at dating because you play a simulation game?
(209)- – Seasoned chicken wheat lovers are educated when they go to the army.
(210)It wasn’t the actual show.
(211)Mustang’s charm.
(212)Shirus9 General Cause and Effect
(213)Is it Gaegul Gaeulji 1, Hoi 4? (Laughs)Ling Heukwoo Wheat tteok Nur shiningeast and fruit lol Bbooing It’s just a gun, but are you a spy?
(217)Ah lol 4 taffy. (Laughs) The technical manager of the novice department of the science and technology department of the chrysanthemum angle.
(218)YouTube series Wheat Eok Han-ryang, a squad leader at a training camp, was a pushover, and that was shocking, Nakai crocodile, that’s T62 Thulk!Kate Choi, are you good at dating because you play Yeon-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-Joong-J
(220)We weren’t in a war situation.
(221)Oh, my.
(222)Papa Mustang
(223)Q: I’m a spy for Babuya
(224)Yoo Dahee is a spy.
(225)8066 What’s that? Rice cake spy. I’m not a spy. I want to re-enter. Daega nurungjijjang lol sister’s major, Yeongdeok blue crab, me, kaw427 right away, interested soldier yoooooo hobaba social maladjustment, less tasteful hope one weird one is your badge. (Laughs) (Laughs)Science, science, science, science, science and technology.
(227)You punk!
(229)a scholarly doctor
(230)YouTube In the past, the leader was a pushover at the training center, and it was shocking. Nakai crocodile. That’s T62 land!Kate Choi likes dating simulation games. Is she good at dating?
(232)When seasoned chicken wheat lovers go to the army, they are educated.
(233)And the people around me said,
(234)Oh, my god.
(235)yungoujoin nut position
(236)DREPPER_ZEROSUGAR Ne- Nanbabuya Wheat Tteok Arrested Dog Tangerine Ceasefire Professor Lee is a kid. I miss you. Experienced workers are “Flying Woojae.”
(237)It’s a tangerine, but it’s a duck.
(238)All right.
(239)Flour rice cake.
(240)Report and in actual war situations, it is not even stolen because it is stopped in the middle. LOL. Did you practice Shirius for the past few years?
(241)Science, science, science, science.
(242)Mustang! That whole thing ◆ Hanging Choi Minho’s freak lol Frog
(244)Why doesn’t the Crocodile Company Commander know that? I think it’s a little hard right now. Book, book, book.(Laughs)Nakai Corporation
(245)Seeing that I was memorizing things like that,
(246)I’m interested in floor guns.
(247)Little yogner, eat flour rice cake.
(248)I want to drink water. Career job is called “Nu-Flying Black Woo-jae Mil-tteok.” Report pkh8066 and in actual war situations, it doesn’t even work because it’s stuck in the middle lol.
(250)the end of the year
(251)He’s a weirdo. He didn’t play Shirius9 because he learned your lesson.
(252)This kind of word.
(254)thiyomigunin constitution
(255)I’m so touched. Rice cake.
(256)YouTube IMustang! That totalitarian freak Mino!
(257)● Choi.
(258)Why do you know frog? Why doesn’t Nakai Crocodile Company Commander know that? I think it’s a little hard right now. LOL I’m interested in dramatic books, fruits, and floor guns.
(259)That’s why I like you so much.
(260)No, it doesn’t twitch.
(261)Is it your last year?
(262)He’s a weirdo.
(263)Shirius, it’s not real.
(264)Where did you learn that?
(266)a belt request
(267)I’m so touched. Rice cake.
(268)There is. Today’s show is flour cake flour cake.
(269)Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I’m a slave war buff lol Smil rice cake
(270)Dad, old man.
(271)· There was only rice cake lol YouTube, science, science, and science.
(273)● Mustang Uh-huh. That whole Choi Min-ho freak lol Why do you know the frog? Why doesn’t the company commander know that? (Laughs) I think you’re having a hard time in the morning. Book book book book book book.
(274)● product
(275)You live happily ever after you’re in the army.
(276)a bit of gold
(277)a science book
(278)Oh, it’s frustrating. Price drama and novice war maniac.
(280)There was only Jonathan Malpakadu rice cake. Sushim’s value is national reputation wheat rice cake. The heaven and earth.
(281)Awarded by Ju Hwanhee
(282)Flour rice cake.
(284)There was only rice. Crazy back then, there was no food. Old Dragon, Sugeun, Sugeun, Sugeun, Semas wheat cake, Ogido Park Dalbong. As if a soccer player knows the soccer league, ccccccccc. YouTube ● Mustang, that totalitarianism.
(285)ㄷ of war
(286)Science, science, science, science, science and technology.
(287)● Choi Minho is a weirdo.
(288)Why do you know the frog? The Crocodile Company commander…
(289)Why don’t you know that? I think it’s a little hard right now.(Laughs)International books, books, books, books, books, floor guns.
(290)He made me do more work.
(291)Twitch is a poor word.
(292)The wheat cake in the pancake is shudder.
(293)It’s like a soccer soccer ball.
(295)Q. I’m Kim Shinjo.
(296)It’s a year’s anniversary.
(297)I guess it’s a good combination.
(298)of war-fuelled medicine.
(299)Yoo Da-hee, did you learn from the North?
(300)Kongnoodle 23rd Plow
(302)It’s gongbu_jom_hae. It’s jamil tteok.
(303)Imas Primitive Rice Cake
(304)YouTube outfit man seems to be having a hard time right now lol
(306)● I’m interested in floor guns.
(307)Mustang, what did you sing then?
(308)Do you want to come?
(309)I guess they knew it. I thought it was Kang fm.
(310)Then, the secretive elements…
(311)Slow High lol major.
(312)○ Wheat tteok’s army…
(313)He’s good at adjusting to noodles. lol
(314)I like Twitch’s account chat.
(315)I can’t taste it.
(316)Yoo Hee Nak Rak Dajua lol I’m dying because I like the taste of fruit juice. (Laughs) (Laughs)School assignment lol
(317)Cho Kang Hyun, why are you stopped? It’s like chewing on a collection of Hamjin. (Laughs) (Laughs)Dreaming lol Acorn Q lol Science and Technology effect!
(318)the price of a painter
(319)I think I’m wearing a tube last year. – I’m interested in floor guns. Mustang, what were you doing back then?
(320)Korean traditional music major, major, major, major.
(322)I sang it.
(323)o I guess they thought it was Kang FM. Slow high. (Laughs)
(324)It’s helpful.
(325)The army is…
(326)You’re good at applying noodles. (Laughs]
(327)● Oh, it’s a night snack.
(328)Army Joaah hehe
(329)They say good-bye is also a war maniac who is the breath of the wilderness!
(331)GandalftheBlackOf. I think I’m wearing YouTube last year.(Laughs) (Laughs)I’m interested in floor guns.
(332)Mustang, what were you then?
(333)I guess they thought it was just fm.
(334)Slow high lol. Bb. Wheat tteok is good at applying when he goes to the army. I almost died.
(335)(Laughs) Twitch
(336)I’m so used to it. (Laughs)the worst of all
(337)It’s over. (Laughs) That’s right. DREPPER ZEROSUGAR OFCat Soup555 Army crazy.
(338)Thumbs up dk
(339)Science, science, science and technology, science and technology, science and technology, science and technology, science and technology, science and technology.
(340)jinbk02 Asp speed description dramatic production/cage fazezel k spam mayo LOL (Laughs)
(341)I think I’m wearing it now last year, but I think I’m wearing it because I’m a YouTubeian.
(342)Very interested.
(343)● Mustang, what was it called back then?
(344)o a string of steel
(345)Slow high, papapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapa
(346)I worked five times as hard as others.
(347)Wheat tteok’s army…
(348)He’s good at applying noodles.
(349)● Women’s Police Wheat Rice Cake
(350)wtg03 Time is overflowing.
(351)I’m Babuya. Weeding.
(352)Worker and LOL-ding.
(353)1 nanometer is good. Then do more.
(355)Mar-la-la-k ending.
(356)You’re good at it.
(358)get caught
(359)You have to put everything in.
(360)aaaaaaaaak I didn’t help you.
(361)It’s good systematically.
(363)●●● YouTube
(364)● Inho Choi pushed ㄷㄷ
(365)Q Empire and Bookbook
(366)0 ouch.
(367)- a floor hawk
(368)I stayed up all night for three days. Really
(369)Boriad’s book.
(370)Mustang, this is the army.