image text translation
(1)Ko Deok-ler, who made an accident at a regular house.
(2)View count 4482 Recommendation 31 Comments 65
(3)-KRW 208401311
(4)My father gave me some money every month for years.
(5)Use it to buy a house when I get married.
(6)Even get a loan and pay it back with equal principal repayment.
(7)I also wrote an IOU and received a gift by expedient means.
(8)My father’s company has set a high salary and has been preparing for proof of income.
(9)I grew up in a really happy and relaxed family.
(10)You could just leave the money alone, but you made a stock of it.
(11)House prices have fallen a lot these days, so I asked him to bring all the money my father gave me to buy a house. But -3.5 billion shares lost and other living expenses
(12)My dad scolded me a lot and said I didn’t know the money was precious, so I went out and said I had to know the value of money so that I could make the rest of the money and suffer.
(13)Godeok came to make a lot of money, but he didn’t have money to settle down, so he came to the share house and bought 100,000 won left over, so he bought things that he needed, so 4,000 won left over.
(14)I think people in Godeok are all good, everyone has their own reasons, and there are no bad people, and there are probably many people who graduated from all four-year universities like me.
(15)But there’s no one like me who doesn’t know the value of money.
(16)When will my father forgive me? When I call him, he doesn’t answer the phone or reply to Kakao Talk.
(17)It’s cold and hard. I’m lonely. I can’t go home. I have to go to work on Monday.
(18)I should reflect on myself a lot. It’s true that I still have to do more.