image text translation
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.
(2)When I was about 26,
(1)It’s a game called “Wow X”. It’s famous.image text translation
(2)25 people need to catch one boss.
(1)Battle of “My Little Old Boy”.image text translation
(2)It was around 7:58.
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)It’s almost 8 o’clock.
(3)I had a game appointment at 8 o’clock!
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)But my girlfriend suddenly said, “Let’s break up”.
(1)Battle of “My Little Old Boy”.image text translation
(2)Because of the game appointment.
(3)Even with the sudden notification of a breakup, quickly… Okay!
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)He was crying!
(3)Because of the game appointment.
(4)Even with the sudden notification of a breakup, quickly… Okay!
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)Then you have to listen to your girlfriend!
(1)Battle of “My Little Old Boy”.image text translation
(2)So I was honest.
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)I’ve been honest.
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)I’ve been honest.
(3)I have a game appointment with 24 people.
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(3)Even if your girlfriend cries,
(4)It’s a promise of a game.
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)It’s a previous engagement.
(1)○ My Little Old Boy Battleimage text translation
(1)”My Little Old Boy” battle.image text translation
(2)I’m definitely a pre-promoter.
(1)Battle of “My Little Old Boy”.image text translation
(2)I’m definitely a pre-promoter, so I broke up right away.
(1)It’s different from online and offline. If it’s a previous engagement with people,image text translation