image text translation
(1)Is it supposed to be bought by a staff member?
(2)View count 1111 Recommendation 18 Comments 28
(3)To the poor women
(4)Please send me your clothes.
(5)On my dad’s computer,
(6)The women in the album…
(7)I’m taking my clothes off.
(8)I’ll buy the coffee pot.
(9)The manager bought the microwave.
(10)Kyungri will buy the paper cup.
(11)The deputy manager bought the green grape candy.
(12)Is this right?
(13)In the drama, the owner buys everything.
(14)What about the other places?
(15)B Silvetsu
(1)Why would an employee refrain from doing that?image text translation
(2)n M M M 185181
(3)At this time of year, I get paid comfortably by the company, but the company’s welfare is made by the employees, because it’s my first job here and I don’t know it well. Everyone’s asking, “Of course, I’m buying it without knowing, but I’m not buying it.”
(5)No, what?
(6)Gas lighting is crazy.
(7)Why would a staff member buy that?
(8)The company’s welfare is done by the boss. (Laughs)
(9)Is that a waste?
(10)Of course, I’ll get paid, and this is a waste for the company.
(11)Payday is also 27th, so I don’t give it to you quickly.
(13)Isn’t the 27th the advance payment system? I worked from January 1st to 31st on the 27th.
(14)If you give 227 what you worked on 11-31, that’s crazy.
a company employee